
Huge room with vaulted ceiling and loft. The system is up in the loft. Fantastic near field listening. I sit directly in front of it. Limitations on space usage currently. I mostly stream and am connected via ethernet. Cables are Audioquest Evergreen and Monoprice.

Room Details

Dimensions: 35’ × 15’  Large
Ceiling: 16’

Components Toggle details

    • NSMT 15EXP Subwoofer
    • Pro-Ject Phono Box DC
    • Schiit Audio Saga + Preamplifier
    • Schiit Audio Vidar Amplifier
    • Bluesound Node
    • Yamaha CD-S303 CD Player
    • NSMT Model 25 Chorus speakers
    • Rega P1 turntable

Comments 7

Is the 35 feet measured from the overlook point? That's a lot of space to fill up with sound. Anyway to pull those speakers forward and maybe it doesn't matter that much given that opening behind the speakers however it may fill up the space better depending upon how deep the room is.

A bigger amplifier would may be better but you do have very efficient speakers.
Looks like a really comfortable room.

I have a freya preamplifier and it's pretty awesome. Amazed with its level of functionality and you can switch between solid state and tubes which is remarkable.


In regards to the system being unforgiving or in other words, some content sounds amazing while other content is lean or lacking in bass, what is the weak link? Help me get Led Zeppelin back into my rotation.


Cool looking speakers I like the slim look and nice little loft system!


Bold warm and smooth cabling can tone down 'very detailed but not forgiving' sound you talk about.


Nice pairing of gear and great use of space.  We don't all have dedicated listening rooms and have to coexist with the rest of the family.  Kudos to you for creating the "man-loft".  Well done!


The amp and speaker pair nicely. Very detailed but not forgiving. Not everything sounds good on it. I'm not exactly sure how else to say that. Plenty of power for the 98dB speakers and I love the sub. All purchases were made online so I don't have much to compare to. Proper placement might help but I just don't have the room to spread out now.


Nice simple system. How's the amp/speaker pairing?


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