
This is my analog audio system. Here in Brazil is very difficult to assemble a system like this, everything is overpriced, they are on average twice the price in the U.S.. All my cables except the tonearm cable(furutech AG-12) are from a brasilian company called Logical Cables. I am very happy with the sound result achieved. My next step is to have a dedicated room with proper acoustic and electric system solely dedicated to audio.

Components Toggle details

    • Transrotor Apollon 40/80 TMD
    Transrotor Apollon 40/80 TMD with 3 motors and Konstant M3
    • MBL 7008
    Integrated amplifier MBL 7008
    • Dali Helikon 400 MKII
    Dali Helikon 400MKII Cherry
    • SME Series V
    SME V tone arm with vta adjust and dump fluid
    • Benz Micro LPS
    Benz Micro LPS 0,34mv
    • Logical cables (brazil) Volcano
    • Logical cables (brazil) Milenium

Comments 2

Hi, Dacosta, you do it very well to live in Brazil, nice setup, I am live in Venezuela, and is the same situation here, but like I always said, the best way to be an audiophile, is feeling, Congrats.


Worthy table setup. Nice componet stand


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