
This is my first attempt at a nice 2 channel system. I am still not exactly sure what I am listening for, but I like what I hear so far. I am running the ADCOM amp as a temp until my ROTEL RB-1080 amp arrives. My next purchase is going to be a pair of AudioQuest Rockefeller DBS speaker cables to replace the TYPE 4 that I am running. I also would like to invest in a new rack at some point, but this is my living room, and my wife must aprove as well.

Components Toggle details

    • Rotel RCD-1072
    Single Disc HDCD Transport
    • Rotel RC-1070
    Stereo Pre-amp
    • Adcom GFA-555
    2 Channel Amp
    • B&W 804s
    • AudioQuest TYPE 4
    2 runs of TYPE 4 to each speaker

Comments 2

very nice "start" when you say not sure what youre looking for, what do you mean?


I have a very similar setup. I just bought a pair of 804S a month ago. I use a Rotel RCD-1072 CD player, my 20 year old PS Audio 4.6 preamp in passive mode and an Adcom GFA-555 amp with Audioquest CV-6 Bi-wire speaker cable and King Cobras for interconnects. After a 100 hour burn in the stage opened and is very musical although a little harsh with some older music. I definitely want to replace my preamp and amp at some point.


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