
I've always wanted a high-end 2 channel system. This is my attempt at putting one together (on a budget - can you really have a high end budget system?). It has taken the last 15 years to get it to this point. I have been constantly swapping out components, cables and speakers. I think I have it the way that I like it now. The Krell KAV line is older, but man it still sounds great. Krell is built like a tank.

Obviously, the speakers are B&W.  Specifically, B&W Nautilus 804S.  I never tire of listening to them.  The newest addition to the system is the sub. I bought the new SVS SB-3000.  This sub is very musical.  And it can dig deep!  Listening to classical music, you can often hear the growl of the bow as it pulls across an upright bass.  Love it!  You may be wondering why go so big?  Ultimately, I do plan to move this system to another room and build a media room around it.   And finally, everything is cabled with Transparent Super cable. The interconnects are balanced. Let me know your thoughts. I especially would love to hear from anyone else with a similar set-up (Krell/B&W).

Components Toggle details

    • Krell KAV-250p
    • Krell KAV-250a
    • B&W Nautilus 804
    • Transparent Cable Super
    Super XLR Interconnects
    • Transparent Cable Super
    8ft pair Transparent Super Speaker Cables
    • Panamax Panamax Max 5100
    • SVS SB-3000
    • Krell Showcase DVD

Comments 3

Thanks guys for the advice. I'm sorry to take so long to respond, first time on in months. Am I understanding you correctly that the only component I should come out of the wall with is the amp? Thanks again for your advice and comments. Please keep them coming.


Hi chris, I agree with fatbosco plug your amp into the wall. I am running a very simular system to you, krell kav3250 into a pair of 805s when i unpluged it from my monster5200 into a dedicated 20 amp circut it was like wow music just opened up and took it to another level


Hi Chris,
What I really like about your system is the simplicity and clean look. The wood grain of your floor and speakers match nicely, and you don't have a lot of "stuff" all over the place. Looks like a nice room to kick back and listen to music. my cheapest recommendation for you would be to replace the wall outlet feeding your equipment with a high end Oyaide or PS Audio's newest all copper one, or Jena Labs..Furutech...lots of them out there. The bang for the buck with a resolving system such as yours would pay off for you. The other thing I would do immediately is to unplug the Krell from the Panamax and plug it straight into the wall. I suspect this would give you immediate gain in sound quality. Are your speakers both the same distance from the side walls? It is hard to tell in the photo. VERY nice system there my friend, hope you get lots of listening enjoyment!


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