
I think I am done for a while

Components Toggle details

    • Jolida JD100A
    Tube cd player
    • Classe CP-35
    • Audio Research D-130
    • Magnepan MG-1.6qr
    • Rythmik F15HP x 2

Comments 10

Sorry for the delay in response. The TV is MUCH worse. Walls painted or not have absorption properties, glass is simply 100% reflective. The two have nothing in common when it comes to the reproduction of sound.....while I agree that sound treatments on walls are also a benefit large glass surfaces like picture windows and TV create havoc with your sound....


How is it that a tv mounted a few inches off the plane of the wall is any worse than the wall itself? How much difference can there be between the reflectivity of a painted wall and a tv screen? Very little if any I suspect. No doubt that addressing reflectivity of the wall behind Maggies is worthwhile, but the tv screen just can't be that much worse than painted plaster or drywall. A blanket or quilt on the TV will help tame reflections but it would work equally as well on the bare wall. In my experience, a 1" thick sheet of acoustic foam works way better for this than a blanket or quilt.



Seems like you never got a direct answer to your question about the TV placement. Maggies are a dipole planar speaker. This means they put out sound both forward in a 180 degree pattern and to the rear in that same 180 degree pattern.

The large glass surface of the TV creates issues with the rear sound bouncing, deflecting and moving around the room potentially defeating the beauty of what the Maggies do best.

Try this. Place a blanket over the TV when listening to audio only. If there is a difference to your ear, then keep the blanket handy for audio sessions, remove when watching the TV.

Hope this helps.


The Classe/Audio Research combo seems to go very well together, I first had the D130 running off of a preout from a Rotel RSX 1065 receiver, then found the Classe for $450 used it was in mint condition not a scratch on it. I was going to go for an ARC tube pre, but the Classe does everything I need it to do(has 3 sets of pre outs, 1 balanced, 2 single ended) I have balanced going to the D130, and the 2 single ended going to each sub, works awesome. FYI I picked up the D130 for $650 shipped it is as well mint.


how do you like your Classe/Audio Research combo? I often drool at older (and newer!) Classe gear, and the D-130 would be up my alley as well. Curious as to your thoughts...

Great looking setup!


Nice system. If you want to know if the TV location degraded speaker performance, remove it for a while.


Is the tv in back of the Maggies bad for what reason? Stupid question? don`t know as I just bought the Maggies.


I assume you know that TV screen behind your Maggies is a bad idea ?
System itself is a model of quiet elegance .


NICE!! For acoustic treatments the Michael Green Design PZC series are effective and look great ... not sure they are still available new though and difficult to find on the used market. These were the ONLY room treatments my wife would allow in our living room.


Good job! I like your clean system looks. Very simple. Hope you will add treatments later.
Enjoy your music!


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