
The diagonal set-up in this small room (10x11) works well for listening. The room has many functions and many doors and windows. The speakers are 6 feet from the listing chair and 8 feet apart. The WLM speakers have a downward-facing port, so their spikes are set on wooden boards separated from the wood floor by small brass knobs. This approach tames the bass vibrations from the wood floor that is on joists above a crawl space. I use the Audio Mirro amps during the colder months because they generate a bunch of heat. The Berning amp gets used during the hotter part of the year; and with the Quicksilver preamp the system can sing -- even with 1.5 watts. The very efficient WLM Divas (97 dB) don't need a lot of power to make beautiful music.

Room Details

Dimensions: 11’ × 10’  Small
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Slimdevices (Logitech) Transporter
    Incredibly versatile with many inputs/output. The DAC still sounds great.

    Ethernet connection to my server with over 1,600 FLAC albums ripped from CDs and hi-def downloads. With internet streaming on top, the musical world is my oyster!!!
    • Levinson No-360s
    Original 360S from Madrigal Group. Very natural, engaging sound, with the 1704 DAC chip.
    • Wadia 301
    Straightforward presentation of what makes Wadia great with 1704 DAC chip.
    • Horneshoppe The Truth Pre Amp
    Uses photo cells for volume control. Just lets the signal go through!
    • Quicksilver Audio Full Preamplifier
    Wonderful addition to the system. Connected to the Berning amp it makes music pop.
    • David Berning Co Protoype 1.5W Set with 6LU8 Tubes
    Yes.  The first watt is the most important, and this is clear, clean sound. Wonderful design.  Thanks, David.

    Can't believe the tubes have lasted for years, and years, and years.
    • Audio Mirror Series Eargasm 20W SET
    Single Ended Triode with two 6AS7 in parallel.
    • WLM Loudspeakers Diva Floostander
    Coaxial drivers (tweeter and mid) delivers time aligned sound in my small room, with bottom bass port. 97dB sensitivity. The tweeter and bass are adjustable. Great imaging.
    • Sanyo Plus T35
    Good signal lock capability. Great analog sound.

Comments 3

I've always had small rooms too. Yours is nice and cosy. Your speakers and electronics seem like a good fit. Very nice indeed!


What Lapierre said. (How you doin by the way?). I was always curious about WLM speakers.


Well done Lefatshe.

Small room with great components.


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