
A system I built years ago that just sounds too good to break down and finish the detail needed.
 But soon. My 84" tall, mag-planar, " true" line source is complete. So It will replace these.
 The only correct application of the postulates,  base theory that I have ever seen, let alone heard. 
I have a, fairly large collection of gear, "I guess". It's the adult version of my, "Sandbox"!
 "My, Happy Place".

Room Details

Dimensions: 35’ × 16’  X large
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • too, too many to list. Required? ok, Amp x 1.

Comments 2

Ha ha ha, I haven't done "Bong hits" in 40 years! But it still sounds great!


There’s a lot going on there!  I’m feeling kind of baked just looking at the pictures.  I bet it sounds incredible after a couple bong hits and some Santana. Just sayin’


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