
Volti Rivals
Triode Wire American speaker cable
LessLoss firewall for speaker cable
PL Evo 300 int amp - rolled tubes w/ KT 150s and Radiotechniquie and Mazda Clifte
Modwright 9.0x 
VPI Prime Signature
Hana Red (curently on) or VDH Crimson
HPs are Focal Stellia
power cords and innerconnects are mostly Lessloss with a few DH labs.
Ruby K-1 Cd player
Dedicated line and Furutech (sp) outlet
Degritter record cleaner
3 pairs of GIK 242
2 pairs of ABB1 diffusors
Not shown - ASC planks for diffusion behind the chair

Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 18’  Large
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • GIK Acoustics 242 broadband panel
    • Butcher Block Acoustics Custom
    Custom Butcher Block rack with Symbol Audio crates
    • Volti Rival Rival

Comments 11

Showing all comments by laynes.

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Sorry for the delays and thanks for all the compliments!
I just updated the pics with some room treatment. Not pictured are some new plants as well.

Honeyooi, the extra block was ordered for an older turntable and I just decided to use it for the amp. I don't hear the need for any other isolataion for the TT. I'm on a poured cement floor. Maybe I'll buy better footer for the VPI someday.

ash1, the audio rack is Butcher Block

I finally got the speakers to disappear about a month ago and bass improved too. Not much on my list currently! Maybe a but more treatment.


Thanks everyone! Sadly I haven't progressed much. Still haven't decided which company I'm going to order acoustic treatment from (likley GIK) and still working on wife (somewhat) acceptance. Still waiting on my rug! Curains going up tomorrow though.

Ash, it is Butcherblock Acoustics:

I'll update again once there is something worth updating. Hopefully soon.
