Room Details

Dimensions: 27’ × 15’  Large
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Luxman M-10x
    • Focal Sopra N°3
    • Aurender A20
    • REL Acoustics 2 x Carbon
    • Blue sound Blue Sound Node
    Headphone streamer
    • Luxman C-900U
    Finally got a control amp.
    • Focal Stellia
    • Focal Arche
    Headphone amp

Comments 6

Very impressive system and the room! Those acoustic panels are thick. How effective are they below 120hz?


The amps stands are DIY.
You can get granite for almost free at countertop suppliers. Even thought about starting a Etsy business selling granite/ marble amp stands.😁


Thanks David!
The streaming world has really been rewarding for me. So many good musicians out there that I would never of heard of. 


Beautiful room and setup. I will lock myself in and throw key outside window.


Thank you.
Yes I’m using the Aurender as a preamp for now. The only thing I miss that a traditional preamp has  is some tonal control.
I miss the loudness button my Luxman integrated amplifier had. 
I have had my eyes on a Luxman c900 but I’m having a hard time pulling the trigger because I’m not sure it’s the best use of $$. Plus they have a new model coming out soon and I’m sure way more $$$. 

The acoustical panels are the new stackable panels from GIK. They are bigger than I probably needed but I like the idea of them being portable. So they could be moved around and pulled away from the fire place.


Very nice system Max! Are you controlling volume with the Aurender? Also those are some chunky acoustic panels are they DIY?


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