
The only space I was able to claim for myself in my house was this little 6' X 10' "niche". Well, it was this or the garage, so needless to say... Because of the space limitations I decided I could not move forward without working on some sound acoustic treatment, specially to address 'clap' echo and reflection. I was not concerned with bass as I purposely selected a monitor based speaker with a lot of character but not significant bass - the room helps amplify the low frequency in a more controlled fashion without becoming chaotic - the acoustic treatment brings a delay in the room natural resonance.

I listen to a great variety of music, but fundamentally jazz and 70's progressive rock. The system combination has proven to provide an almost magical experience - very intimate and with a lot of liquidity.

The decoration was a conceived with the whole system set up, my wife and my sister were the ones who designed the room, taking my functional requirements.

Components Toggle details

    • B&W 705
    Monito based speaker
    • Rogue Audio Titan - Cronus
    Integrated Tube Amplifier
    • Shanling CD-T100
    Tube/Solid State HDCD
    • Chord Siren
    RCA Interconnect
    • Ultralink Challenger - Biwired
    Biwired cable
    • Monster Cable MK-2
    Power Conditioner
    • Acoustic Foam Wedge 1
    Recording Studio Acoustic treatment

Comments 17

Skuras - quality of the Rogue amp is good, but have not being able to compare in extensive detail with smilar products. However, the quality service is excellent from both the retailer Audio Connection (John Ruttan) and Rogue Audio (Mark O'Brien).


System sounds very warm and bass is pretty tight and fast.


what is the build quality of your rogue integrated amp like? i have had my eye on the rogue atlas power amp, but have been a bit concerned about it's quality. i have always been pleased by the quality of other rogue items, though, so i guess i have to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Nice room, yea it is small but hell I dont have my own room so I am still jealous, love the treatments, I know BW and also am familiar with Shanling, I bet it sounds great!


Actually, that is the case, don't want to leave the room once I'm in. Thanks for your feedback.


i love your room - it is about the coolest thing that i have ever seen. if i had a room like that i would go in and never come out.


Thanks, I appreciate your feedback. The system achieves a pretty good bass extension.


I think this room is great. I really like the acoustic treatments, and I'm sure the low end is full with a room of 60 square feet. Very modern looking room as well.


Great little space and a nice system. Your choice in the Rogue is great in that it has a headphone output as well as the phono input as well. Liked the look of the unit in black as well, the first that I have seem. Audio lives! Even in small places.


Regarding the Cronus - I really enjoy this amp, extremely fluid and musical. I highly recommend it!

You can read the review I wrote at Audioreview:


Really cool set-up! What can you say about the Cronus Int.Amp performance?


Very Cool Space.. I really like the direction you took with the space you had to work with. Very nice.



It is just amazing what can be done with a limited space. The bass will falla bit short, but in a 6' X 10' room that cannot be helped. A perfect setup for the space provided.


Thanks so much for your all your feedbacks and comments! I'm glad to see there are others that feel the same way I do.

I know vinyl is next step, but a heck of a big one - its a shame specially since I lost my collection of Mobile Fidelity LP's of Steely Dan and Supertramp and others.

The foam is Auralex, and it works great - very inexpensive alternative compared to Echo Busters and the like.


Amazing! I have never seen such a small listening room - but the way you and your family designed it - it seems like a great place to escape and just get enveloped in the music. Great job!


You have a small room but I like it. The important thing is to produce the cleanest sound. I like how treated the side walls. Are those foam from Auralex?
Thanks alot


Very cool room! I have carved out a little space for myself as well. If you listen to jazz and prog rock, you need to get a turntable. There is a lot of great vinyl out there, at cheep prices.


Showing all 17 posts