
First attempt at HiFi. Almost all pieces purchased here on Audiogon.

Liking it so far. Just trying to figure out optimal room treatments, then I'll settle in for a while. And a thanks to all who put up with my questions in the forums. Your guidance is appreciated.

Components Toggle details

    • Musical Fidelity A5
    MF A5 Integrated Amp
    • Musical Fidelity A5.5
    MF A5.5 CD Player
    • Monitor Audio RX8
    MA RX8
    • XLO Reference 2
    XLO Reference 2 interconnects
    • XLO Ultra 6
    XLO Ultra 6 speaker cables with Ultra 6 jumpers.
    • Target S470
    Target S470 stand
    • Acoustic Zen Gargantua
    AZ Gargantua from wall to Gutwire Maxcon 2, and another from maxcon to the A5 amp
    • Acoustic Zen Tsunami Plus
    AZ Tsunami Plus powering A5.5 Cd Player

Comments 18

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Very nice. I'm just curious here but with a room that small I was wondering why you went with the RX8s. Are you planning for a larger audio room in the future? Also, the MAs are going to need a lot of break-in. Mine spent the better part of 3 1/2 months breaking in. But they relaxed and smoothed out perfectly. Just give 'em time.
