
My family's system changed direction from the original intent and focus on HT to upgrades driven to enhance 2-channel music. I upgraded speakers from VSA 4JR speakers to Devore Fidelity Silverbacks. The sources of a Musical Fidelity A5 CDP and Clearaudio Champion are driven through the VAC Avatar Super KT88 based integrated amp. The VAC's HT pass through feature make it very easy to go back and forth.

Always interested in any suggestions or comments.

Components Toggle details

    • Phillips 50 inch Plasma (66)
    There's nothing like Hi-Def! With this, I feel like we have a real HT.
    • Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference
    Dynamic and effortless sound.
    • Valve Amplification Company (VAC) Avatar Super
    Integrated with HT bypass, fits in nicely with rest of system.
    • K&K Maxxed Out Phono
    kit with upgraded cardas caps, built by my dad
    • Musical Fidelity A-5
    Dedicated Redbook Player.
    • Clearaudio Champion
    My first tt in 20+ years, good to be back into vinyl.
    • Clearaudio Satisfy
    • ZYX Airy 3S-SB
    .24mv MC
    • Sunfire Ultimate Receiver
    200 X 7, used to drive 5.1 HT system and also zone 2 (kitchen). This piece has been great for HT.
    • Denon 2900 Universal
    • Von Schweikert Audio LCR-15
    Full range center channel.
    • Von Schweikert Audio VR-1
    Used for the rear surrounds in the HT. Seamless integration with rest of system on multi-channel concert DVDs and SACDs.
    • Von Schweikert Audio VRS/1
    10" 300 Watt, fits in great with the other VSA speakers.
    • Audience AU24
    Connects MF-A5 to Sunfire
    • Analysis Plus Silver Oval Crystal
    Used for mains and center channel analog connection from DVD to Receiver
    • Auditorium 23 Speaker Cable
    Match well with silverbacks.
    • Analysis Plus Oval One
    Lower quality for the rear channels, listen to mostly stereo SACD or DVD-A but still pretty decent.
    • Balanced Power Technologies (BPT) BPT 2 Signature
    Balanced line conditioner
    • (BPT) C-7 Power Cords
    I have these feeding my sub, DVD, Receiver, and BPT conditioner.
    • Audience PowerChord
    Feeds the MF-A5 CDP from the BPT 2
    • Sound Application Outlet
    Wall outlet
    • AIW 6 AWG Indoor/Outdoor Wire
    Wire for dedicated line is real nice, 6 GA and 19 strand. My dealer was putting this into his new house and luckily there was enough left over for me to run my line.
    • Tributaries DCV 100 Comp Video
    Component video from DVD to Receiver and Receiver to Plasma. HDMI from Sat to Plasma for HDTV.
    • Tributaries Silver Subwoofer Y
    Sub interconnect

Comments 40

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Maineiac...this is unexpected! The Devore's are great...I've never heard the 4JRs but I just heard the Silverbacks and they are wonderful...are you finding them more to your liking then the VSA's?

chadlesko are you...i assume by now you are dialed in with VTA and VTF...sorry for the delay. the Michell uses a Rega RB300 arm which uses shims to adjust VTA...i bought Michell's aftermarket adjusting nut which is exactly what Rega should great...went out to a hardware store and bought a "line level" with a magnet on the bottom...placed it on top of the arm...put the needle on an old record (stationary) and adjusted till it was dead on. for VTF i have a Sure stylus force gage (cheap) and it works need for anything else...this isn't that exact of a science! lastly i have Hi-Fi News test LP that i have found indespencible over this year of learning.

i've pulled the rug out from under my system again...sold the A5 Integrated amp (don't think i will ever part with the CD player) and replaced it with Conrad Johnson pre/amp...loving the all tube sound...only missing the A5's grip. now i am in need of a phono stage as well...i think i will pick up a cheapo for the time being.

right now i am in the middle of building a system rack...decided for 2 - 3 hundred i could get awful close to the quality of the 1000+ racks on the market. i'm going to post pics on my system over the next month...would love your feedback.

take care


congratulations on the tt...i just picked one up myself...mitchell gyro se. i started a year ago with a rega p3 and fell in love with the easy listening quality...and the cheap used medium! in any event, i am also pleased that the a5 is not completely outdone. i picked up a Benz h2 cartridge...really like it a lot, how do you find the glider?


Maineiac...I just picked up the A5 CD player...Fantastic! I compared it to the Lector 7, different emphasis in sound, but nearly equal only half the money! Very happy with the sinergy of my system now...this is my first attempt beyond the enthusiast system and I can't get over how worth it it is to go beyond entry level components. It really is the difference between listening to music and enjoying the event in one's own living room. Any thoughts on how the A5 breaks in over time, or does it settle in rather quickly?


Great system...your system is 90% of my original intent...ended up more like 70% of what you have...I went with Spendor and A5 integrated (VAC was a bit too much for my budget) and now I am looking into the A5 CD player. If I did it over I would have bout the VR4JR used...great deal. In the end I went for 2 channel and HT as well...the choices where limiting, but the VAC is the one I always aspire to...congrats on making a great integration.
