
This system was purchased almost entirely from Audiogon members. For the money I have into it (less than $6K), it is a terrific sounding system.

The blending of the Ref 3s with the Dues is extraordinary - I am exceptionally happy with this setup.

One piece not listed (no category for it) is my LinkSys Wireless MusicBridge. This allows me to stream music from my PC network to the H/K Signature 2.0 preprocessor. It works quite well and gives me a vast library of music to tap without having to get up from my chair.

I am done for now, the only upgrade I would consider in the next year would be a higher-powered multi-channel amp or, perhaps, an IEC power cord socket for the Signature 2.0 pre-pro.

Components Toggle details

    • Oppo BDP-93
    Well, I replaced the BDP-83 with Oppo's new BDP-93 and I'm loving it. The 93 offers more networking and streaming features along with better DVD display. It was well worth the $499 (same as the 83) I spent. The 83 has been moved to the bedroom system, a nice upgrade there over the DV-81 and Insignia BluRay player I had. Oppo sure does make some nice products!
    • Bang & Olufsen BG 9000: Turntable
    Linear tracking turntable with MMC1 and MMC2 cartridges.
    • Bang & Olufsen MMC-1: Cartridge
    Main cartridge. Sapphire cantilever, hand calibrated. This cartridge's measured response is ruler flat from 20Hz to 20KHz.
    • Bang & Olufsen MMC-2: Cartridge
    Backup cartridge, MMC-1s that are not "perfect" become MMC-2s. My MMC-1 *is* perfect and this one doesn't sound too shabby, either!
    • Yamaha KX-690: Cassette Deck
    3 head cassette deck with Dolby B/C/S.
    • Harman Kardon Signature 2.0: Pre-Pro
    Nice pre-pro. One of the greatest bargains in hi-fi, I paid all of $375 for this awesome piece.
    • Butler TDB-5150: 5 Channel Tube Amp
    5 channel, 150-225 wpc. Purchased new-in-the-box from original owner, never powered-up!! This amp has lived up to all the glowing praise heaped upon it by reviewers and owners. It sounds *magnificent* with more than ample reserves and a sweet yet dynaminc and punchy sound. The bass output is prodigious, sounds like I upgraded to a 15" sub. And seeing those 5 glowing blue tubes really turns me on. The system took a major leap forward when I put this piece in.
    • Gallo Acoustics Reference 3.1: Front Speakers
    Black with cherry base. All the accolades are well-deserved, these speakers are remarkable! The
    • Gallo Acoustics Reference AV: Rear Speakers
    Wall-mounted version of Reference 3. Used for back channels.
    • Gallo Acoustics Reference AV: Center Speaker
    Black. Used for center channel. Nice complement to the Ref. 3 fronts.
    • Earthquake SuperNova MKIV-10B: Subwoofer
    Black ash laminate, 10" main driver with 10" passive radiator, 400 watt class "AB" amp, 24 dB per octave filter from 40 Hz to 160 Hz.
    • Alpha-Core Goertz MI-2 Python: Speaker Cable
    12 ft. single run. Very smooth and detailed sounding. Even folks who know nothing about hi-fi think these look great!
    • Music Boy/Petra RCA Interconnects
    Inexepnsive, yet great sounding.
    • Mitsubishi 60638 - 60 Inch DLP 3D HDTV
    60" 3D ready DLP HDTV. Incredible bu from BestBuy Online - $797 + $69 shipping for this TV AND an Insignia Wireless BluRay player!! The picture is outstanding, one of the best I've ever seen. I am SO glad I bought this TV!

Comments 22

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Ray, ypur comments would carry more weight if they were properly formatted and punctuated. Nonetheless, sorry I picked on you. I must have been having a bad week - going thru a divorce after 27 years of marriage will make one a bit bitter...



The only thing I would change in my system now is, perhaps, the subwoofer. I've got my eyes on the Velodyne Digital Drive series...I'm thinking a DD-12 would add a good measure of punch down low. The Earthquake is no slouch, but the Velodynes are supposed to be VERY good...



System edited: Added Mitsubishi 60" DLP HDTV and Oppo BDP-93 Universal player.


System edited: Replaced the Oppo 983 with their new BDP-83 universal shiny disc player. Absolutely the BEST value on the market today!


System edited: Replaced the Oppo 983 with their new BDP-83 - what a terrific player this is!


System edited: I've added some Sonex acoustic panels to help tame any reflections from the back wall and the French doors. Their placement is experimental and not permanent, my wife has said she doesn't find them very attactive. No kidding . Luckily for me, this is "my" room and she allows me quite a bit of leeway in its decor. What a gal!!


System edited: I forgot to mention that I replaced the Dues in the rear channels with Gallo Ref AVs - WOW! These speakers raised the bar for the system, especially in the lower octaves. The transition from front to back is virtually seamless now. The Dues were very good speakers, but the AVs are defintiely a step up in every way!


System edited: The Butler is, in a word, awesome!! Ol' BK really knows how to design 'em and build 'em. It looks and sounds terrific - the sweet sound of tubes coupled with the punch and dynamics of MOSFETS. Truly the best of both worlds!


System edited: I'm replacing the Signature 2.1 amp with a Butler TDB-5150. The Butler is a hybrid tube/solid state amp delivering 150 watts/ch. into all 5 channels simultaneously. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the H/K, I simply wanted to hear the Gallos when driven by a tube amp. We'll see if all the hype is worth it... -RW-


Coming soon to a home theater near me [smile] - the Butler TDB-5150 5 channel, 150 W/ch., tube/solid state hybrid power amp - w00t!!

That's right, I'll be replacing the HK Signature 2.1 with BK Butler's patented Tube Driver Blue technology. According to everything I've been able to find on the 'net, the TDB-5150 is a wonderful match for the Gallo speakers. I'll report back here soon once I get it installed and burned-in.




System edited: Sold the denon 3901 and got an Oppo DV-983.


System edited: Some piccies showing the system. Note Gallo Ref3s up front, Gallo Due center, and Gallo Dues in the rear. Subwoofer is hidden under coffee table (not shown).
