
The sound of this system is so free from distortion that the inner detail of the music and the recorded venue envelopes the listener.The speakers and walls are not part of the room, since they completely disappear.Resolution allows time and space to give a very convincing 3-d image.I have heard many vehicles outside of the recording venue,this system has incredible resolution of each recording.I hope to get a subwoofer that will plumb the very bottom octaves and give accurate sound levels of each venue.My focus is mainly on buying new music and enjoying the system as it stands now.

Components Toggle details

    • Karan Acoustics KAS 270
    Dual Mono that has a damping factor os 6000 and 270 watts of power @ 8 ohms.
    • Wadia GNSC Modded 2000 Digital Volumne
    A 24 bit direct drive Great Norhern Sound modded.Has a extensive Sistrum 0.2 vibrational moddes.
    • WADIA 20 Transport GNSC Modded
    43lb transport that is also moded by GNSC.Has AT&T glass outputthat gives awesome resolution.
    • Virtual Dynamics Genesis
    A cable that is top of the world in allowing the music to flow unimpeded from ones source.
    • Virtual Dynamics Genesis Power Cord
    These cords are an component level update in their own right, they allow a whole new dynamica to be reveiled that ties all the musical information together in a new way!
    • Virtual Dynamics Genesis 1.0 speaker cable
    Although a stiff cable,these cables make music in the highest order, soundstaging,dynamics,timbre are #1.A complete system of this cable is truly audiophile dream come true after a 200 hour break in period.
    • Green Mountain Audio Calypso
    This speaker is TDC and offers dynamics that can exceed 108db at 12 feet.The Calypso has an extremely inert cabinet and a very small radiating surfaces that allow it to completely dissappear with incredible imaging.
    • Star Sound Technologies SISTRUM SP101
    These stands are the finest at controling vibration and sending it to the ground ,limiting the effect of this friction on the audio signal.What this does for soundstaging and dynamics is an update to the component resting on it. If you want to hear your music then buy these for your whole system
    • Sound room 16'x24'x9'
    This room allows sound to bloom in a super way.Totally dedicated to the love of Hi End, the sound truly represents itself.
    • Aural Symphonics Optism Version2
    The very best glass has to offer, outstanding bandwith with the ability to convey every detail in the music.
    • ASR Room Resonators Gold + Silver+ Basic
    These are little gems that work very well and fundementally change the imaging of ones room.The ASR's put all the other room tweaks to shame and are amazing!!

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System edited: I was able to secure a rather old gem from GNSC and have the Wadia 2000 dac and Wadia 20 transport modded by them as well!! I was able to move up to the Genesis speaker cable and am still marveling at all the info the system is able to provide. The 2000 dac and the 20 transport gives me 2020 musical vision that is so involving.


I only have the updated legs and not the whole shelf.Irish 65 is the one to ask since he is updating from the 101 to the new shelf.He did send me a picture and the new rack is sooo y that it looks like audio art!Hope this helps Dennis


just when I thought I knew my system,I made a change to speaker placement and refined my grounding scheme.Not to mention that I also moved up to the Genesis speaker cable which is huge in itself. I must say that the genesis is without peers in how musical and resolute in information.I am totally stunned by the complete naturalness and fullness in how the cables passes signal.By pushing the GMA Calypso's back to the manufactures rec. specs of 52 inches from the back wall and placing them on the Sistrum 101's (these stands are smokin in for what they do for speakers).I also added a new wire to link all 4 ground posts together and it blew me away with the performance change.As to the Genesis cables,they are passing information of complete venues space and time along with the subtlest of details and harmonic decay.It is truly special in every regard and deserves an audition if you are looking for a cable of this class.It has my highest accolade for musical reproduction.


The Calypso is the flagship speaker which Roy has achieved some major advancements in design and feels that this speaker has the best cohesiveness of all the designs.Also you must look specifically at the size of ones room,since GMA uses room size as a guide for the speakers recommended.In my room Roy thought that the C3 would overwhelm the room and that they would work, but just barely.The Calypso;s throw sound that is amazing and really you need to hear a pair to understand what they are capable of sound wise.Some times bigger isn't always better depending on ones needs ( room size is the key).Hope this helps Dennis


Fplanner2000,I must say that the GMA's are the first speaker that I have felt totally happy with.These Calypso's have exceeded all my expectations and are soo dynamically impressive ( 108db@12feet!).At no time do I feel like I am missing anything in terms of musical tonality,imaging,spaciousness.This speaker has moved me to tears on more than one ocassion,filling me with the emotion of the performance.My buddy who is a statman thought that I should bring these down to his place so he can hear them as well.The Calypso's are sleepers in that they look so elagent and have a very small foorprint,yet musically they are monsters of the highest order and truly are overachievers in every category that comes to mind.The speakers bass output will truly rattle right through you as though you are just part of the musical signal.I think that Roy Johnson has made a loudspeaker that maybe the best bargain in audio when you consider the price to performance ratio! I knew my old Paragons were good at many things but.thse Calypso's are from another planet all together in terms of imaging and dynamic spectrums.Negatives are that your listening time seems to go way to fast and you really have to watch the volumne levels so you have ears left!This is the first speaker that I feel no need to tweak!I don't even have the Sistrum 101 platforms underneath the speakers and may sell them yet.GMA is a serious speaker company who may have one of the best speakers ever designed( Just read the design process that R.J. utilises and you understand why they sound the way they do).You really should audition these speakers if they fit your budget,in fact all of the GMA's lineup utilises the same technology throughout.I kept my Paragons for 14 years and these Calypso's maybe lifers.I know of no other recommendation than one can give>Kudos Mr Johnson.


Thank you Chadnliz,i am truly blessed to be able to have such a great system.I really enjoy sharing my system with all who come over and am really impressed with my new speaker= Green mountain Calypso.This speaker sets a bench mark in dynamics and resolution.I am going to post my new pics in the near future.Take care dennis


Hi Dev,how can i describe a cable that is so incredible in it's musicality.If I told you that the Genesis has such a huge bandwidth and presents music that becomes so much more natural in it's presentation and shows no dynamic limitations to the signal.I am totally smitten with the synergy that the system shows with both the VD Genesis i/c's ( if you can swing the cabbage,then these i/c's maybe the very best outhere )and the rest of the VD p/c in the system.The Karan is one of the most neutural amplifiers I have ever heard and when you combine that with the Wadia and VD cables, you have a match made in heaven.I think the Karan mono's may also fall into the same category ( 1500 watts seems like it maybe able to do the job).I would look at the Genesis i/c's and the possibility of the Karan 450 or the Mono's if you are willing to scratch-up!!Please e-mail me privately-Cheers Dennis


System edited: I am totally in awe with what has been done with this new p/c,it has the ability to serve up huge dynamics and venue cues without any sense of strain or compression.If the REV is a microscope then the Genesis is a scanning electron microscope in the way it looks at music.I have never heard so much detail presented in such a musical way,if you want a insanely musical system.The Genesis is truly a new beginning in musical reproduction.


System edited: In one fell swoop I have my dream amp and it has it all!!The power of the Karan is truly breathtaking,as the reviewer in HiFi+ said that the Karan is able to bridge the gap between tubes and solid state.It has the imaging of tubes with the great dynamica and resolution of solid state.At no point does it sound etched or forced and yet it can give astounding dynamics with pin point images to boot!!I am truly greatful for Darren's recommendation of this amp and honesty in describing it( I am still trying wrap my head around the amount of sound this amp is able to decode).HiFi+ was right,you should buy one before the popularity of the amp raises the demand !! In Heaven Dennis


System edited: The new Genesis cable achieves a level of naturalness and resolution that that is truly amazing,I cannot imagine a whole system of these heavy and unweildly cables being unleashed in my room since the interconnect made such a huge difference in every way!!If you really want to experience a no holds barred cable and you have the patience and the skill to set this one up,then this cable is truly astounding in every musical aspect.


System edited: Well, I've learned that physics plays a huge part in ones system.I think that mechanical grounding rather than isolatig,is key to achieving better resolution and dynamics.Sistrum stands are truly a sonic marvel as well as the Virtual Dynamics cabling.Add in Great Northern Sound Co. modded components and I have a system that is very musical and involving.My latest tweak is using Totem beaks on the MFA next to the input tubes as well as the output tubes.This tweak allows for excellent resolution of detail and amazing dynamics ( solid statish in both areas).I am totally smitten with the new Quicksilver exteme Gold contact enhancer and use it in all my electrical connections, this yeilds about a 30% increase in detail and staggering dynamics.I feel blessed to have reached this level,after 20 years,I am totally happy in sound!!Take care Dennis


System edited: I added the Master cables and the Sistrum stands, the change to the system is mind boggling. I have a soundstage that is limitless and dynamics that exceed 100db, and you never evan knew that it played that loud!!!.The sistrum is truly a sonic marvel allowing subtle nuances to happen totally intergrated with the dynamics swings of the system. The MASTER is just what the name implies, King of the pile in allowing music to flow of the highest order. I cannot recomend this cable enough. I would put it up against the very best outhere, just try a power cord and see what you think.
