
System edit. I've reduced my system to its primary components and I've removed my analogue components.

I gave my TT, my vinyl, a receiver and monitor speakers to my granddaughter and her husband, and by doing so have given new life to a future audiophile. An additional gift was a pair of Sonic Frontiers 160 wt mono tube amps which he has no present use for but is happily dreaming about. I really feel great about not selling or alternatively having to give my albums to a charity. I'm really!!!!! happy today.

Components Toggle details

    • Silverline Audio Bolero
    Three way
    • PrimaLuna Dialogue Two
    Integrated amp
    • Marantz 11SA3
    • Raysonic 128
    • Wadia Wadia
    • Accuphase T-100
    • Woo W3
    Tube headphone amp
    • Sennheiser 650

Comments 65

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Great job Newbee..It just keeps gettin' better! Enjoy that nice system.


Hey Newbee, Nice. Love to see the tubes. The classic SP10 is a great sounding unit and has the nice Phono too. I know the Jubalee's are very good and known for smooth refined sound. That must speak pretty well for the Tylers here. Nice that you have those Quads( 57,63's??) to drag out when the mood hits. Overall very nice. I envy your ability to have stayed with your stuff for awhile. I plan to do the same! Enjoy!-Ken
