
See comments under individual components.

My goal is to find a turntable that sells for

less than a Pagani and sounds better than

KAB's modified Technics Direct Drive.

The biggest bargain in Audio.

Components Toggle details

    • Apogee Acoustics Full Range
    Best sounding speakers that I've ever heard since I got started with this hobby
    over 40 years ago.
    They weigh 500lbs each and are 7' tall and
    3' wide but they can't be identified as the sound source. They're invisible!
    • JL Audio Gotham
    The fastest and most articulate subwoofers
    that I've ever heard and I've heard most of
    them. They're flat to 16Hz! Simply amazing.
    • Veloce Platino LS-1
    It's everything that HP says it is. The Pass XVR-1 3 Way X-Over is also shown.
    • Cello Palatte
    Simply put, it's indispensable. It's next to my listening position and I use it from song to song to make adjustments to the infinite combinations of sound.
    • Pass XVR-1 3 way crossover
    The most transparent crossover currently in existence. Brilliant design and easy to use.
    • VTL MB-1250 Ref
    Four of these are used to drive the Apogee's. Unlimited power, speed, and drive.
    • CEC TL1x
    Belt designed transport that sounds close to a turntable.
    • Metrum Acoutics Quad Octave
    A non- oversampling DAC that sounds better than the Zanden. The second biggest bargain in Audio.
    • VDH The Third and The Revelation
    The Third for Midrange/Highs and The Revelation for Midbass/Bass.
    • Kimber Select and Morrow Audio 1131 and SP6
    Both excellent sounding cables that don't add or subtract anything to the sound. All power cords by LessLoss-brilliant PC's.
    • Technics 1520
    State of the Art RTR that is perfect to play The Tape Project Tapes.
    • Sequerra FM-1
    I was bewitched by this work of art, both sonically and esthetically, the first time I heard and saw it in the 70's.
    The coolest piece of audio ever produced.
    As you can see I've become obsessed, such a rarity in this hobby.
    • Silver Circle 5
    Three of these in the system keep the AC line noise at bay resulting in a deep, transparent sound stage. Highly effective.
    • VPI db-5
    A half dozen or so of these bricks chase the gremlins out of the components resulting in a more focused sound. Mr.Weisfeld please bring them back!
    • Shakti Hallograph Soundfield Optimizer
    Six of these are used in the listening area. The name says it all. Incredible how the soundstage can be adjusted.
    • Argent Acoustic Lens
    Eight of these are used to break up standing waves in the room.
    Another indispensable tweak.
    Too bad that they are out of production.
    • ADA Tune Suite
    XM tuner that makes sound like a master tape. Truly amazing!
    • California Audio Labs Tempest mkII
    My back up for CD's. Heavenly!

Comments 7

I find my speakers to sound better upside down also...don't knock it until you try it folks.


I got dizzy looking at the pics. Forlorn.


It must be designed for listening from an inversion bench, .....
while strapped in with all that power :)


Best upside-down system ever!


What are your thoughts on the Veloce pre? Have you upgraded to current status? Are you using it for HT Cinema bypass as well?
Thanks...possibly considering one, looking for clues




Great system!


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