
I enjoy this for casual listening. Especially rainy days or cold nights. The Duettes started out on shelves on either side of the fireplace. They actually sound great close to walls. But, the height bothered me so, put them on stands at other end of the room. When I listen I just pull the chair out and face them.

The fireplace is my first attempt at doing stonework. It is real stacked stone, not some veneer. Total stone weight is almost 3000lbs and I built it while undergoing chemotherapy. Probably will fall with the first earthquake.

Components Toggle details

    • VPI Industries VPI Super Scoutmaster
    The SDS conditioner gets the speed exact. Very nice mid priced TT
    • Granite Audio 657
    Almost analog sound
    • VPI Industries JMW Memorial
    Works perfect with VPI TurnTables
    • Lyra Helikon
    Nice mid priced cartridge
    • Hovland Company HP-100 mc
    Every bit as good as my Audio Research Ref
    • McIntosh MC-275 reissue
    The Hovland plus the Mac plus the little Wilsons sound great together
    • Wilson Audio Wilson Duette
    Perfect for a small difficult room. They sound great no matter where you put them. Not placement picky
    • Cardas Golden Ref
    As good as most
    • Cardas golden Ref
    Carries the electricity to the speakers just fine
    • Topaz Isolation Transformer IDUNNO
    Found it at a used electronics shop. installed it outside and power my outlets through it. Does it do anything? Piece of mind
    • Mapleshade samson
    pretty maple
    • Woo Audio SE6 with Sophia Princess Tube
    Excellent headphone amp
    • Sennheiser 650
    Great headphones. If I had to describe the sound I would say Vandersteen

Comments 16

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I like the Lyra sound. On my other TT I use the Titan i. This is the second Helicon that I have had and really love them. Before that I pretty much always used various Clearaudio cartridges. Unfortunately you really have to just keep your fingers crossed when buying a cartridge because it is to expensive to experiment and few places to hear multiple cartridges.

I did try some Koetsu Redwood and a few Benz cartridges. I didn't care for the Koetsu but liked the two Benz I tried.


I understood you. Thank God for spell check. I would be lost without it.


System edited: Added in a Woo Audio headphone amp and Sennheiser headphones. The amp is on the bottom shelf but, didn't take the picture of the amp in its actual place.


Thank you Mapman.


Yes, Koi. And your right, the cats never get tired of watching them and wishing.


Thank you, I would love too but, am afraid of the bats.


Jfrech, what a great system and room you have. Would love to hear a setup like that.


Thank you Linnie01.

The pictures from both systems are from my house in California. This year it seems that every area within the "ring of fire" has been hit by eruptions and earthquakes, except CA. Somewhat worrisome.

My taste is pretty eclectic but, in order of preference it is Rock or Pop (not really sure where you draw the line here), blues, 60's folk, country, country western, classical, then jazz.

I like your system also. I like the theil/vandersteen theories on speaker building and crossovers. For me though, I went Vandersteen.
