
In the office went the more vintage pieces, where they complement the old boatanchor Collins radio gear (Mom bought those for Dad for Christmas the year I was born).  A while back I rearranged the office, consolidating all the ham gear on one side of  the desk, and adding an Ikea cabinet (clearly the choice of discriminating, yet budget-conscious audio mavens the world around!). I shortened the Ikea piece by 1-1/2 "units" to leave room for hanging some guitars on the wall. The wife approves of the aesthetics, so here is how it will stay.  Oh and yes, the rightmost KT88 on the amp is popped. I think the power supply caps have finally let go on the 275, and will be replaced soon.

Components Toggle details

    • McIntosh MX-113
    AM/FM tuner, has an issue with stereo demux
    • McIntosh MC-275
    Original, not a reissue. Christmas present to my folks from Mr. Mc in the early 70s.
    • Panasonic unknown model # DVD player
    Used just as a CD player
    • Lahti U2
    Very old 2way bookshelf speakers
    • Collins S-line ham gear
    32S3 transmitter, 516-S2 power supply, 75S3 receiver, 312-B4 phone patch... maybe I should connect the receiver to the MX-113? :-)

Comments 21

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Very nice HAM shack and Collins gear! And the Heathkit HF amp barely in the photo.

Brings back memories of my active HAM Radio days as a young teenager starting in 1971 as a Novice. Got the Advanced license in 1972 and operated mostly 40m and 15m CW with the Vibroplex, some SSB, and 2m packet.

Then life got busy and I let the license expire in the early 1990's. Just for grins took and passed the General test in 2008 and was issued a new call sign. Still barely have time to be on the air, just a little 2m FM these days from the car or handheld. Fun stuff, for when I retire. ;-)
