Components Toggle details

    • Audio Note UK TT-2 Deluxe with TT2 Arm and iol MC Cartridge
    • Audio Note UK Step up transformer
    • SME Model 30/2
    Standard Chassis
    • Thales Audio Simplicity 2 and Dynavector XV-1t
    • EAR 324 Phono Pre
    Phono Pre Amp
    • Audio Note UK M3 Pre Amp
    • Audio Note UK Quest Silver mono blocks
    • Audio Note UK Transport 2
    • Audio Note UK Signature 2.1 DAC
    • Audio Note UK Silver interconnects and speaker cables throughout.
    • Audio Note UK AN-SPE HE Speakers
    • Isotek Gemini
    8 Port
    • Sound Structures Triple

Comments 17

How does the Audio Note TT stack up against SME ?


Nice system.
What type of power cord do you use on the bel canto power supply ? Did you try several power cords there ?


Experimented with he setup as described, results in my situation were not good I'm afraid. sounded very disjointed and it took away the accuracy of the image completely. Tried one or two positions but it was quite obvious from the start that it would not work, maybe with the 63's it worked well, but not with the 2905's. It was worth the experiment.


Thanks for the input, I had heard that Alastair Robertson-Aikman had done this from a friend but he was unsure of the finer detail of the set up.

I will certainly try this. As I said I am currently helping a friend out by storing the speakers for him, but it is so good I have bought another pair. I would certainly recommend it to any ESL fan. I experimented with a pair of 2805's combined with the 2905's, but it just didn't work for me.

Many thanks for the input.


If you are going to use a second pair of Quads, try positioning the outside pair perpendicular to the inside pair. They should be positioned so that the outside pair fires outward at a ninety degree angle relative to the inside pair.
Start so the middle of the outside speakers are at the middle of the outside edge of the inside speaker.
You then move it slightly forward or backward till the image locks in.
You still wire the speakers on series. This should give you the benefits you already have, but the sound stage should open up dramatically, with an attendant dramatic improvement in air and space.
This positioning method was first used by Alastair Robertson-Aikman the founder of SME with a pair of 63's.
Pierre Sprey of Mapleshade is the one who turned me on to this. It is now, in some quarters, the preferred method of using two pairs of any type of electrostatic speaker, although, it should work for any type of dipole speaker.


Looks very cool, too.


I individually focussed each speaker one by one on the listening position. sound is the same, just lots more of it.
Finally can play SRV's Tin Pan Alley at volume without the safety circuit kicking in, only using about 10-15% more volume from the amp but the sound is fantastic. Imaging as tight as it was previously. Fills the room big time. Room size is 5m (16.25ft) X 8m (26ft).


Wow! How did doubling up change the sound?


System edited: 2 Pairs 2905's connected in series.


System edited: 2 Pairs Quad 2905 in Series.


System edited: Major about turn for me, sold my Puccini, there was nothing wrong with it, however I bought a VPI Scoutmaster from a guy going overseas, that was the beginning of a complete about turn for me. I am enjoying Vinyl so much more than CD. Selling my Puccini and trading my Scoutaster gave me the SME. Will now Rip my existing CD's to H/D and will listen via an Ayre DAC when I can afford it. The only thing not listed is the EAR 324 Phono stage.


Nice system!
Wich sonic improvements did your IsoTek Gemini AC filter do?


Nice setup,but sooner or later you may consider an amplifier upgrade(preamplifier)and cables as well. DCS Puccini very good indeed and deserves top of the top cables.I have tested it with various cables; cheap, expensive, even with Nordost Odin and heard its potential.

Enjoy with your setup


Hl Joey v and Brite61,

The 2905's are without a doubt the best speakers I've ever owned, over the years I've had Maggies, Apogee Stage, B&W 804's, Vivid B1 and Quad 989's.
The imaging is reach out and touch the person in the room real.

Soundstage wide and deep enough to think that the performer is on the other side of the wall.

Amp wise I tried the speakers with a Proceed B2, then a pair of ISIS 3030 which were rated at 25wpc, quite nice but not enough for the speakers. I don't listen at high volume levels and music wise it's jazz and classical, but the amp just couldn't cope, if I has had a smaller room it may have been OK.

I read Art Dudley's Stereophile report on the Halcro MC20 and it fared quite well against the LAMM 2.1 Valve Monoblocks, given that the Lamms are out of my bracket, I settled for the MC20 and I'm very happy. I also met Bruce Candy, the designer, went to a lecture and understood about 4% of what he said, whilst it doesn't have the technology used the the DM Series, it's an excellent amp.

I had the chance to audition it at home. I must say that I was originally using the set up with Crystal speaker cable and moving to Anticable has made a remarkable difference so I think the Quads are very fussy when it comes to cable. Given the low cost of the Anticable, you should really give them a go.

Previously in with the Crystals, high volume sections would make the safety circuit kick in on the amp or the speaker, or both. With the Anticables it becomes attack and volume.

Moving from the P8i to the Puccini, I didn't think it was possible that I was missing so much detail, low level detail like spittle on lips for instance, then you realize that this is happening across the whole sonic range and you find it's a gigantic step. Another reason not to give in and look at going vinyl. A friend noted that the sound is very similar to a Dais turntable he used to use.




I'm interested to see you are using a class d amp with your Quads. How is it ? What other amps have you tried ? I run my 989's with a David Berning EA 230 tube amp. I had poor results from my Bel canto 1000's. I have a P8i, is the Pucccini a big upgrade ? Thanks Vincent.


How do you like the Quad 2905? How are they at imaging? What else have you considered before these?

I have ML Summit and am interested in these Quads...


System edited: Finalized cabling and added a Pic.


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