
Sound Lab A3 PX electrostatic speakers, Ayon CD35 player, TRL Dude preamplifier, CAT JL1 Signature Monoblock Amplifiers, Wireworld solid core silver interconnects,speaker wires,power cables, 28 quadratic diffusers, dense lime stone stands under all componets, Sound of Eden brass footers under all components, Tripoint Troy ground unit and PS Audio P20 power conditioner.

Room Details

Dimensions: 26’ × 18’  Large
Ceiling: 8’

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    I am good Doug. Super busy with young beasts at home and little time for i live vicariously through others.

    So you have moved on from the GT200s? I have read good things about Henry Ho in the past and was actively considering a set at one time. He is an actual engineer from what I understand. I use a DHT amp now, but if I ever felt the twinge for digital amps, his would be at the top of my list.

    Update your pics. Look forward to seeing your new toys...


    So Booboo, you answer a question with a question 8 months after the fact? :/

    Why so coy?


    I believe you. The Sanders hybrids are seamless also, although I have panel snob friends who claim to hear discontinuity in them. I don't but who knows. You hear the same mantra from the single driver crowd....


    Doug, that mirrors what an audio buddy in MN (who also sells Martin Logan) told me. They can be a little fiddly to set up but when done correctly reward you with great sound. What cables are on your radar?


    Doug, when I was still in MN (the land of Magnepan and Audio Research among other things) I heard quite a few Martin Logan setups, and all were excellent including a home theater demo at Magnolia with their basic onwall speakers. They played a cut from some kung fu movie (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon I think) where glass was shattering every which way, and the clarity and see thoroughness was remarkable. I also heard the Summits (I presume a predecessor to your current speaker) which was very good but had subtle bass integration issues. The setup was less than ideal. It sounds like you have more control over that variable with your current speakers.


    Outstanding. Enjoy....


    Outstanding. Did Kirk turn u onto these? I know he's the Martin Logan devotee


    Sweet. I am a fan of those speakers and panels in general. The Sanders are also a very good hybrid design that consistently gets best of show votes despite being reasonably priced. It was one of my favorite rooms at Axpona in Atlanta a few years ago....


    10-15-14: Booboobaer
    I too have the wimpy Tube Research Labs amps (GT200). I sold the JM Labs Nova Utopia speakers and bought the Martin Logan Summit Xs. With the TRL I can't believe what I am hearing. I wish I could hear the Apogees, I bet it is mind blowing.

    This true?


    One of these days I will be finished..... buaahhahaa!

    Highly unlikely. You will most likely be done when the good Lord takes you home....


    Nicely done....


    Say what?


    Early impressions of the new transformers?


    It takes a while....


    That's great Doug. Enjoy.....


    You climbed the Krell ladder. Yowsa.

    The ST-100 did the same thing to my ASR which, based on specs alone, is an arc welder. Very surprising. The only real issue I am facing now is my toddler. She likes to hang out with daddy in his is listening room....


    Doug, there is some discussion of Krell versus TRL. Remind me of your experience of the two. Did you ever own a Krell pre-amp?


    I can. It sounds best with "0." Which setting to use depends on system noise, etc.


    The Duelands take a long time IMO.

    My ST-100 is about 6 months old, so I have those NFB options.


    Doug, what NFB setting do you use on the amps?


    Doug, got the Dude back with Duelands in it. If you have not done so,do it! Yikes. The music....


    Exactly Doug. The ASR Emitter I Blue Exclusive is an arc welder based on specs (doubles all the way down to 700 watts at 1 ohm) but could not make my speakers sing. I was mildly skeptical that the ST-100s would have enough juice. Well, I was WRONG. They drive the piss out of my speakers. An audio buddy was over last weekend and he paid the ultimate compliment: "this does not sound like a tube amp." The explosive dynamic range is really live music.

    That Jazz compilation CD was excellent. Thank you for that.

    Have you tried Dueland cast caps in your Dude yet?


    Buconero117, I have been told leather is good to have in a sound room and was actually preferable to other materials such as microfiber. Also, nearfield listening, whether dictated by choice or room geometry, can be very good. I have done it in the past, and I have two seasoned audiophile friends who cannot listen any other way.

    Doug, I snagged a used TRL ST-100 after a brief sojourn with the ASR Emitter I Blue Exclusive. The ST-100 is spectacular. Not sure why more folks on this forum don't own Paul's tube gear.


    Indeed. The thing I always look for is longevity. I am always impressed with the philes who dial in and stay there for 20 years. That tells they are into music and not equipment....


    Very nice Doug. They are beautiful....


    Congrats Booboo.
