
Sound Lab A3 PX electrostatic speakers, Ayon CD35 player, TRL Dude preamplifier, CAT JL1 Signature Monoblock Amplifiers, Wireworld solid core silver interconnects,speaker wires,power cables, 28 quadratic diffusers, dense lime stone stands under all componets, Sound of Eden brass footers under all components, Tripoint Troy ground unit and PS Audio P20 power conditioner.

Room Details

Dimensions: 26’ × 18’  Large
Ceiling: 8’

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    Comments 183

    Showing all comments by himiguel.

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    Doug, system looks stunning. Enjoy it you deserve it. Tripoint Orion, Tube Research Labs Dude pre, H2O mono amps making music.


    Doug Thanks for your visit last night. It was nice to see you and spend some time listening together.


    Congrats Booboo on your new GT200 mono blocks. I bet they sound beautiful. I would love to listen to them in the future. Enjoy!!


    Booboo, I will be trying some exotic footers under the TROY and ORION, they are the Dalby Audio Design D7-GE90 gabon ebony footers. I'll report my findings soon. Upgrading the footers for the TROY is a must upgrade.


    BooBoo, Have you experimented with different footers underneath the DUDE pre amp and Accustic Arts front end? I know your a big fan of your stone platforms for isolation.


    Congrats Booboo on the GT200. Please recommend some new recordings you would like to share.


    Are those Auralex diffussors? What has been you experience with multiple diffusors in your listening room? Congrats on a beautiful system. Doug, you really have maximized the potential of your system.
