
Sound Lab A3 PX electrostatic speakers, Ayon CD35 player, TRL Dude preamplifier, CAT JL1 Signature Monoblock Amplifiers, Wireworld solid core silver interconnects,speaker wires,power cables, 28 quadratic diffusers, dense lime stone stands under all componets, Sound of Eden brass footers under all components, Tripoint Troy ground unit and PS Audio P20 power conditioner.

Room Details

Dimensions: 26’ × 18’  Large
Ceiling: 8’

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    Comments 183

    Showing all comments by kirk930.

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    Wow Doug great job on a world class system.


    Hey doug system looks great.


    Wow the system is looking awsome doug. Love the new chairs. I guess you were tired of the hollowed out log for seating? The pics are killer .


    Hey doug. So you got the system dialed in, I am going to plan a road trip soon. I had the same system with the utopias and all tube research 7 years ago. Hard to beat that setup good job.


    Wait did you finally get a camera? 250 thousand dollar system to cheap to buy a camera. All kidding aside your system is one of the best I have ever heard. The dude will take it to the next level cannot wait to hear it.


    The dude is on the way. Nothing outperforms tube research gear. Is that a real tree? How do you water that thing and not soak the audio?


    When people listen to live un amplified music like a real opera or a classical concert they will be buying electostats . Nothing has that kind of speed. Awsome system doug.
