
Sound Lab A3 PX electrostatic speakers, Ayon CD35 player, TRL Dude preamplifier, CAT JL1 Signature Monoblock Amplifiers, Wireworld solid core silver interconnects,speaker wires,power cables, 28 quadratic diffusers, dense lime stone stands under all componets, Sound of Eden brass footers under all components, Tripoint Troy ground unit and PS Audio P20 power conditioner.

Room Details

Dimensions: 26’ × 18’  Large
Ceiling: 8’

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    Comments 183

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    They're a marriage made in heaven! Thanks for asking. How are the ML's and the new amps? I think we both need our sites updated to showcase the newer "Stuff". Stay in touch...


    They're a marriage made in heaven! Thanks for asking. How are the ML's and the new amps? I think we both need our sites updated to showcase the newer "Stuff". Stay in touch...


    They're a marriage made in heaven! Thanks for asking. How are the ML's and the new amps? I think we both need our sites updated to showcase the newer "Stuff". Stay in touch...


    They're a marriage made in heaven! Thanks for asking. How are the ML's and the new amps? I think we both need our sites updated to showcase the newer "Stuff". Stay in touch...


    They're a marriage made in heaven! Thanks for asking. How are the ML's and the new amps? I think we both need our sites updated to showcase the newer "Stuff". Stay in touch...


    We're waiting with baited breath buddy!
