
Recently upgraded with a new set of speakers, this is my hifi system in my living room.  The room is far from perfect, but it's not terrible either.  Been dialing in the speaker position recently.

Room Details

Dimensions: 0’ × 0’  Small
Ceiling: 0’

Components Toggle details

    • Lyra Delos
    MC phono cartridge
    • Michell Engineering Tecnodec
    • Wilson Audio Sophia mkII
    • Cardas Audio Cross
    Speaker Cable
    • Devialet Expert Pro 220 Core Infinify

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Quick suggestion triggered by your last picture, which I believe is of the back of your phono amp. If you have not already done so please try unlooping the input RCA cord - the one you have a yellow tie around. I suspect you may already have fixed this in your revised setup but cannot be sure so apologies if this advice is redundant 

Anyway looping a cord like this is a recipe for noise pickup and will always sound worse than leaving the cord loosely draped and ideally away from power cords (or crossing at 90 degrees if needed). This is one of those cases where neat is definitely to be avoided. Anyway I'm sure you've already noticed this and fixed it but just wanted to be sure especially as you have had some concerns with noise in your setup. I know from experience that cable dressing really matters as just last week I induced bad hum in my phono stage from having the input interconnects from my tonearm running too close to a power cord, drove me nuts until I spotted it!
