
The system components have remained largely unchanged, but for the additions of a large Minus K platform for the turntable, a pair of 15" subwoofers to augment the lowest octaves and the installation of a robust electrical sub-system--powered through a Controlled Power 10kVa isolation transformer. The main change is the room--we relocated from New York to Austin, TX in 2017 and I now have a longer, narrower room that occupies most of the 2nd floor of the house. I have added a few photos reflecting updates since 2017. Bill

Room Details

Dimensions: 31’ × 14’  Large
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Koetsu Jade Platinum MC Phono Cartridge
    • AirTight Supreme
    • Koetsu Tiger Eye cartridge
    • Kuzma Air Line
    It Blows
    • Kuzma XL Reference
    the BIG Hogan
    • HRS Isolation
    • Minus K BM-1 Isolation Platform
    • Allnic H3000
    Phono stage
    • Veloce Line Stage LS-1 (Lithio)
    This is the 'Gen. 2' version of this line stage with lithium batteries, loaded with the DR version of the 6H30 'supertube'
    • Lamm ML 2
    18 watt SET monobloc
    • grand prix monaco
    equipment stand with carbon shelf and apex footers- for preamp
    • grand prix monaco amp
    with carbon shelf and apex footers
    • Avantgarde Duo
    Very demanding but the effort is repaid
    • grand prix Apex Footers
    isolation feet for speakers
    • kubala sonsa elation
    XLR terminated
    • kubala sosna emotion
    • REalTrap Bass Traps
    all 4 corners plus additional panels to reduce reflections from odd angles of room
    • Controlled Power 10kVa Isolation Transformer

Comments 182

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Hey Bill,

Love the new pics. I bet it made a nice difference getting those amps up by the speakers. Give us some more on what you are hearing with the KS power cords vs. the Shunyata stuff.


BTW, Lloyd Walker say's if you use his SST contact goop on your Lambo you'll get another 2-3 mpg..... ;-)


For CD's........ Let's not forget that they make very nice little bowls for party nuts......... Just put them in the oven until the edges curl up (or run down) and presto.... I still haven't figured out the hole in the middle though.

BTW....... Bill, Your system is looking fab. How is the addition of the Lamm line stage to the proceedings?




It may sound crazy, but......... Have you tried a good linestage with your setup? I know the Steelhead has a volume and you are adding "more" to the signal but it may be an improvement for you. I had the chance to borrow an Aesthetix IO sig. w/volume (this is my dream phono pre) and it sounded much better running it in conjunction with my Callisto line stage. More bottom end, more seperation and much wider deeper soundstage.......... Just a thought.




With all the thoughts you have given on my systems post I figured I should check your set-up out. I must say things look very nice........ How are the Audiopax amps comming? Are you planning to put a preamp and/or digital in the system? I have also received a number of emails from a 'Goner who swears by the Basis PC's on the Duo's subs. I am still using the Cardas but wonder if you have experimented with anything else in that regard.

Take care


PS I am very envious of your Eames chairs........
