
My goal is ultra-fast, articulate and neutral, natural full-range sound reproduction.

Components Toggle details

    • Martin Logan Odyssey, heavily modified, Mundorf xover Heavily modified crossover with Mundorf Supremes and CFC-14 coils, M6 posts; bass attenuation with Caddock resistors. Granite panel pillars, dampened bass cabinets
    • REL Acoustics Stadium Mk III, heavily modified
    It mates extremely well with the Odysseys, smoothing out peaks in the 40-50Hz range as well. A very good sub.
    • Spectral DMA-500AR monoblocks
    Stunning sound; carbon fiber shielding
    • Spectral DMC-30SV preamp
    One of the very best preamps out there; carbon fiber shielding
    • Spectral SDR-4000SV CD Player
    World class player; carbon fiber shielding
    • VPI Industries Aries 3 TT, heavily modified
    A very good tt; see for the superb isolation solution I came up with
    • VPI Industries JMW 10.5i arm Nordost Valhalla, shielded
    An excellent arm
    • Ortofon Verismo
    Incredible cartridge
    • Pass Laboratories XP-25 phono, heavily modified
    A stunning phono stage, but stupidly built when it comes to isolating noise and external hum. Heavily RFI shielded; heavily hum shielded; carbon fiber shielding; custom umbilical cord; Vishay power supply diodes
    • MIT Oracle Matrix 50 and Oracle MA-X phono shielded; Alpha v2 RCAs
    Matrix 50; MA-X digital and phono
    • MIT Matrix 90 Rev1, shielded
    What the amp requires
    • Revox B-77 Mk II
    A classic - some tapes still outperform their equivalent LP and CD transfers.
    • Magnum Dynalab MD-90SE, modified & shielded
    I don't know about others, but I am getting incredible sound out of this piece with live classical music broadcast, even floor-shaking bass from organs playing at Sunday masses. Mundorf electrolytic caps; heavily shielded RF section
    • Zoethecus Custom
    A classic. Using a custom granite shelf for the turntable.
    • VPI Industries SDS speed controller
    0.1% accuracy
    • Shunyata Research Sigma XC/Alpha v2 NR/Delta v2 NR power cords
    Shocking performance
    • Shunyata Research Everest 8000
    An incredible achievement
    • VPI Industries 16.5 record cleaner
    Does the job well
    • See other web sites for more details and pictures

Comments 33

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Ortofon Verismo replaces the A90


Have not updated here in a loooong time... Spectral DMA-500AR monoblocks and Spectral SDR-4000SV have been in the system for some time now. Shunyata Everest, Sigma/Alpha/Delta v2 cords reduce noise so much and boost dynamics. Shunyata Alpha v2 interconnects complete the picture.


System edited: Spectral DMC-30SV is now in the system


System edited: Spectral DMA-400RS monos are now in the system


Hi jfrech,

sorry I don't check my system's page often and just stumbled upon your question by accident. Suggest you follow my hum thread on WBF on noise, which will be updated next week - the XP-25 must be isolated from any other component, or employ the shielding about to be discussed there. In addition, only the MIT MA-X phono (also shielded, as will be shown) can lower the noise floor, and I tried Transparent, Nordost and Shunyata. The drop in noise is dramatic with all modifications that will be shown...

So watch for updates the week of Jan 6 2014


I have recently switched to the CLX power cord. It is shielded, unlike the stock. Immediate gain in treble clarity, probably because of the lack of line noise radiation to the speaker cables running alongside it. You have very sharp eyes!


Completed structural speaker mods... for details see


For the frequency response curve (and overall improvement by the new crossover) see


Crossover mods: I believe I finally have achieved my goal of decades ago: CONNECT WITH THE MUSIC... a startling experience!

In the recent months, I have undertaken a complete overhaul of the ML's crossover with Mundorf Supreme caps and CFC-14 coils. You will find all the details at but following are some highlights...

First of all, I was eventually unhappy with Summit X's, so this was the impetus for the mod. Some typical results:

Stravinsky's Rite of Spring on Reference Recordings... I happened to have auditioned the Summit X with the exact same Spectral electronics and Berkeley Alpha DAC right before I was about to purchase - the sound got harsh on full orchestral climaxes especially with mass winds, and in fact one of the amps shut down. Well, at home now and after the mods, playing the same piece as loud as back in the dealer room - the sound is just simply effortless, horns blaring and all. I hear much less distortion, more vividness, a wider and deeper soundtsage, and larger dynamic contrasts in the new O's...

Next... I've never heard drums sound so crisp, real and annoying before - on par with what I heard from the Magico Q3. I had a jaw-dropping experience listening to Bruch's Scottish Fantasy with Oistrakh, both on XRCD and LP. Extreme pinpointing of the violin; layers and layers of soundstage behind it; powerful, effortless and very realistic rendering of the violin right there in front of me - complete you-are-there emotion; total disbelief. It's great to be able to hear what a Stradivarius might really sound like... shivering...

What this entire crossover update has achieved is bring out the emotion in music reproduction. I am stunned by how realistically strings are rendered - I feel them vibrating; this is what the speed of an electrostat is all about. The speaker currently still significantly falls short in shear size of the orchestra, something it will never achieve, though still spectacular with great recordings, and of course the bass's speed can still be improved.

WRT Summit X, it's been a little while since I last auditioned it (~10 weeks), but I am pretty certain this new Odyssey smokes it in just about every aspect: larger and faster panel (due to crossover updates), no rattling woofer enclosure (the X is really bad in that respect), rounded box edges, higher level of realism than the X, less distortion; and I still think the tonality of the Summit series is tipped up higher and meant to be matched to the room by tilting, but up to a point - I like the vertical panels in the older speakers and the CLX.


System edited: Recent changes: The extra-ordinary Spectral 30SS Series 2 preamp has arrived. And I have launched in an extensive speaker crossover overhaul - see


System edited: System edited - I have replaced the Dynavactor XX-2 with the Ortofon A90


System edited: I have replaced all my power cords with Shunyata Black Mamba CX/HC (10AWG). I continue to be very skeptical about power cords in general, but these have introduced the last missing vividness in this system, that comes probably as a result of a few things: a) Higher instantaneous current delivery - i.e. lower impedance between the wall and the equipment; b) Noise reduction - although I have not been able to directly, perceive this yet, as the system was already extremely quiet. However, I am able to measure the reduction in noise with the phono and the Revox's input turned all the way up - the VU meters just don't move - this is truly exceptional and another first in this system. I am not sure which part of these cords is responsible for the overall improvement - cryo connectors, their purest copper, the Helix construction, or all of them - but as a combo the result is tangible. They are an expensive "solution", but the results are self-evident in this particular system, considering the speed of the Spectrals: uncongested choruses (a first in my system), realistic bass drum and timpani, exceptional (even realistic) piano attack and decay... and the list goes on and on. The improvement is *slight* in the grand scheme of things, but very real.


Thanks Linnie01. I hope you get a chance to listen to their recent wares some day - simply thrilling.


Thanks. Currently looking at the Summit X or CLX... The Revox has been with me for some 26 years, original everything and lightly used. Still sounds better than LP with the same recordings.


Thanks. If you ever get a chance, you should take a listen to MartinLogan Monolith III's - maybe these are the ones your friend had??? - with the external crossover (from the 1990's), mated with modern electronics and get ready for a thrilling ride :-)


Thanks. Truth be told, the system needs a much larger room :-(


System edited: Main system picture updated with the new DMA-360 monoblocks


Oh that's funny... there is a 30SS here on Agon just 6 months old... Gee am I NOT surprised.

On your DMA-180: keep in mind that the Spectral sound has changed significantly in recent years. Whereas your amp has this very wide but diffuse soundstage, the newer models, including the 250, have an extremely well focus but still wide soundstage. This was the sharpest contrast between the Alpha DAC and the old SDR-2000 I had, as well as the DMC-20 preamp's and the new 30SL's. Essentially, the newer designs offer this walk-around soundstage, and the reason you can "walk around" it is that you can actually feel the instruments due to the sharp focus - that's how palpable the presentation is.


I recall now... The 360s are to arrive by the end of Feb. When I auditioned them at home I could easily see why Harley raved about them, and I don't usually agree with most of the stuff that he writes, like e.g. the Magico V3, but that's another story.

I strongly suggest that people try the ultra speed, resolution and non-analytical detail of Spectral with panel speakers, and you will probably be thrilled with the you-are-there presentation for considerably less money than mega-buck systems.

Now let me go read that 30sl thread.


You must have followed me on :-) The Spectral DMA-360 Series II are to arrive later this month. The 250 has already found a good place around this area, driving MartinLogan Prodigies, and the fellow who bought it is thrilled with the results...

Will update pictures sometime in March


System edited: Just added some more pics


BTW, funny you should ask about jazz and percussion - one of the LPs that exhibits the glory of the system is Brubeck's Time Out, and the drums and percussion are rendered with stunning realism (as is the sax).


Thanks. Actually I am heavily into large scale classical and some jazz. I get thrilling sounds on good recordings and am particularly impressed with the analog rig (which slightly outperforms the analog) and especially the Ayre P-5xe and its truly stunning performance. Anyone in the market for a phono stage should audition it.
