
Have been at this for only two years, unlike many others here.  Need to spend some time in this (first) room and listen!  My 'extra' systems are actually nicer than my main systems because I listen all the time and don't want to over-use the good stuff!  Yes I know that's slightly crazy.  Also notice -- No TV! (Because I am a music lover.)
 I listen to jazz about 90% of the time nowadays.  Mostly acoustic piano trios, sometimes with a horn or two.  I throw in some rock, new wave, and even (well, especially) classical now and then. (Just added a list of my favorite composers, for those interested in broadening their horizons, or poking fun at mine.) Though I have three TTs I'm almost always digital now. (Correction, see update!)  For the most part, give me a piano, a standup bass, a drum set and maybe a trumpet or two and I'm a happy man.  Oh yeah and of course a suitable beverage for a jazz club. 


Item tag text (because actual tags aren't searchable, it turns out.


Room Details

Dimensions: 25’ × 15’  Large
Ceiling: 9’

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    Comments 13

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    I tried that and could only see some items and you have a lot of stuff in your photos. What speakers are those, that silver amp, the tube amp? How is the surround processor and tube amp use in your system? Thanks


    It would be nice if you could fill in the component list w/ model numbers for those of us who are interested.
