
This is a collection of equipment (note how I dont call it a system!), the purpose of which was for me to sample as much as possible prior to settling down to equipment I can use in a final room I am building with Rives. Needless to say, I ended up getting deeper and deeper in this, learning that reviews are typically falwed because (i) reviewers have specific motives, (ii) they dont generally have very good systems, and (iii) no system is perfect and therefore personal preferences matter a lot.

The room is by no means great but it is custom designed and measured. It works quite well, even though these speakers need more room to breathe.

Happy to answer questions about my experience with all this equipment, all of which is quite excellent in its own way. I have some on order which I will add when the time comes.

Other equipment I have owned include:

-Tenor 300hp

-MBL 9011 monos

-MBL 6010D preamp

-VTL 7.5 mk i and ii

-Audio Research Ref 3 preamp

-BAT 75se


UPDATE: Moved to new room, much more spacious and finally allowing me to sit within the prescribed distance for driver integration. Also, I cleaned up somewhat the amp list: I now use the Wavac 833 mkii (4 box) and for solid state the Class A Gryphon Colosseum Solos. Added to the preamps is the Soulution. All cables are Jorma Prime including an 8m length xlr. Power cords being changed all to Valhalla. Here you also see an attempt to test the continuum turntable through a wavac phono. The sound of the system has ameliorated appreciably and it is now starting to be a system after all. Very happy with it.

Components Toggle details

    • Accuphase DP800
    SACD Transport
    • Accuphase DC801
    Precision DAC
    • Wavac PRT1
    Linestage preamp
    • Krell Two
    4 box preamplifier
    • Vitus Audio SL101
    SS Preamplifier
    • Gryphon Mirage
    • Lyra Connoisseur 4.2L
    • DartZeel Preamplifier
    Solid State
    • EMM Labs CDSA
    SACD Player
    • Accuphase DG38
    Digital Equalizer
    • Kaleidescape Hard Disk Server
    CD/DVD Player
    • Vitus Audio SM 101
    Class A Amplifier
    • Goldmund Telos 2500
    Mono Amplifiers
    • Krell One
    Class A Amplifiers
    • FM Acoustics Resolution 411
    Stereo Amplifier
    • WAVAC HE 833 v 1.3
    150W SET Amplifiers
    • DartZeel Model B
    Stereo Amplifier
    • Nordost Valhalla
    XLRs and Speaker Cables
    • Jorma Prime
    XLRs and Speaker Cables
    • Isoclean Various
    Conditioners and Tranformers
    • Finite Elemente Master Reference
    • Gryphon Poseidon
    4 Tower Speakers
    • Escalante Freemont
    • Velodyne DD 18
    Self Powered Sub
    • Gryphon Mirage
    • Gryphon Colosseum Solo
    • DCS Scarlatti Clock, Upsampler, DAC
    • My Sonic Lab Ultra Eminent BC
    with Lyra, MSL, Kondo stepups
    • Goldmund PH3 Phono
    • Jorma Prime
    XLR, Power, RCAs
    • Nordost Odin
    • Apple MacBook Pro 15
    Hi Res audio
    • Burmester Audio 948
    Power Conditioner Also Isoclean, PS Audio, Purepower and Isotek

Comments 321

Holy Donald Trump Lotto - WOW - what a great collection of gear - I'd be happy with any of those - curious to see your choices for the final System...


I will try them out! i actually have not listened to Chord for years now. I do not need that much power, however, and I find that generally power comes with compromises. What speakers do you use with them?


You're doing what all of us should do if funds permitted.
Can i suggest that you listen to chord electronics, i'll tell you what to listen to:
Chord CPA-5000 reference (preamp)
Chord SPM-14000 ultimate (1000W monoblocs)
Chord Red reference (cd player)
IMHO this cannot be beaten.


Hello!!! Alexee do let us know what Lyra have to say to your question on impedance match between the 4.2 and the SS101.On the question of the gain on the Lyra it is reported that the older version had more gain in the line stage than in the matching phono stage which meant that they matched well. but care had to be taken while matching it with other products.I use the gamut L5s. Mihalis thank you for your observations. Btw which is your preferred power amp.



I am not sure about the matching and comparison between the SL101 and Lyra. Both preamps are in the process of being upgraded so when they come back I can try it out. But it will be a while. I do think yo uneed to look into gain because the old Lyra did not have much (I say this from memory and may be wrong).

FM and Goldmund sound totally different and they each have a great following (especially FM).

FM does at times feel like it can not be bested. Amazing resolution, very smooth sound, fast. The best way I can describe it is that it seems to be a hybrid class A design and it exhibits many of these characteristics (smooth sound, wonderful mid range etc). Its soundstage is somewhat all over the place (imaging is weird because instruments sound large) but it is very large and deep. I would actually say that in my system I get some parts of the sound be very similar to my Krell Ones which are turning out to be very impressive machines, maybe with even more resolution (I am sure a number of my friends in Asia are arming their guns for me saying this!)

Goldmund is totally different. More dry, less tonal colors. However, very silent and dynamic. Its most amazing characteristic is something that i can only call 'holographic imaging'. Instruments sound like they are carved in granite. When listening to classical music, that can be a huge advantage because there is no mixing of sounds. Whether this represents live music more accurately, I am not 100% sure yet. Critics will say Goldmund sometimes sounds lean. I dont agree, I think they sound somewhat dry but that is not a criticism necessarily.

Try out the Dart also. When I have more time I will report on it but it is quite an amazing piece of equipment and surprisingly so. It offers similar sound to the goldmund but deeper (without the imaging and dynamics of the G) and fuller tonal colors. I can see why some love these amps. Btw, I dont get why some reviewers call them tubey. They are far from.

Hope this helps.


hi boeing, unfortunately, i've not had the opportunity to try the Vitus + Lyra combination yet. i've just emailed Lyra the "Vitus technical specs" (to enquire if there might be any matching issues). i am however not overly concerned as i will be using a XLR i/c (higher gain) btw these 2 components.

btw, what kind of speakers are you using with yr SS101?


Could you briefly describe the sound characteristics of FM and Goldmund poweramps ?

Are they the real deal, the end of the road as some ppl say ?


Hi Alexee. Have you ever heard the Lyra 4.2 and the Vitus paired together.A great pre the Lyra may be , but my reservations on pairing it with the Vitus are two fold. One being that the Vitus is a balanced desgin where as the Lyra is not. Secondly i have been told that the gain at the power amp stage of the Vitus is marginal , that is it is not too high and there may be impedance matching issues. To keep it in the family, all Vitus that is might be to an advantage. I m sure that either pairing will be a cracking combination. Just thinking out loud before i decide to break the bank. Your comments please....


hi boeing, looks like we're on the same track (i've got Vitus SM101mk2 & Lyra 4-2L SE on order).

i've heard the SL100 & the SM101 in 2 seperate systems (SL100 in my current system, & SM101 at a dealer's with DCS Scarlatti + Focus Audio Master 2). excellent preamp IMO (+ i understand the new SL101 has a significant number of improvements).

as for the Lyra 4-2, these are really not easy to find. i'd recommend you get in touch with the folks at Lyra Co. for further info.


Hello Sir,

Yes that is not a system but Aladdins treasure cave!!! I have the Vitus SS101, and am running it as an integrated. Great though it is, i would like to take it to the next level. The two pre amps i have short listed are the Lyra 4.2(awaiting the new Power supply release) and the Vitus SL101. Could you please tell me how the above mentioned pre amps mate with SS101 and which do you reckon is a better match. Is there a worth while increase in resolution, staging , etc etc..




There is so much going on electrically within a system and a specific house that it is sometimes hard to know what is better or worse. That is why I avoid that term. You can have equipment that is designed in a way that it tackles a certain noise in your house that others dont. And that is just one example.

That is why, unfortunately, this is an exercise of futility!

Alex, good luck with the Vitus, they are terrific amps. I am upgrading the preamp to the new version as it seems like a more material change from the previous batch. We ll see (hear).

I do think that what our friends at Lyra may have in store will be quite impressive. And I cant think of a nicer team who stand behind their products. But lets say no more and spoil it for everyone else!!


Mihalis, get those ads posted! Again you are very fortunate to have this luxury, you are the envy of many, myself included. Too often I have ended up with 2-3 of the same component to compare side by side and end up keeping one and then replacing something else, only to find what I have already sold may have had better synergy.

You should offer listening sessions as you can provide much better comparisons than virtually all dealers.

Best to you and enjoy to the Nth degree.


same here. most recently with the Connoisseur 4-2L (thks in large part to you). then there's also the Vitus SM-101mk2 (which i ordered after hearing them briefly in HK).

anyway, i could either go into analog, or allocate that budget into a 2nd system?! thinking of a different flavor... perhaps a pair of omidirectional speakers, or high efficiency speakers + SET? decisions... decisions...


Please do, I dont consider this "my page" at all!

I agree but playing through the computer's electric storm degrades sound. That is why the Wadia device might actually help extract sound at another level of clarity from PC playback. Also one can rip using other better software and then covert to apple compatible files.

I am ashamed (!) to say that I ordered the Gryphon Colosseum Solos based on auditioning the preamp which in some ways is a step ahead of the competition.


the apple/itunes is pretty decent. not as convinient or well packaged as the K system or Sooloos, but does let me browse the net & listen to music at the same time. sound quality's alright (i rip CDs in apple lossless, feed it to Emm Labs dcc2 via toslink), but like you say - they're worlds better in terms of accessibility. what sways me towards analog is knowing the system's capable of more with a good source (such as a top notch turntable). anyway, don't want to hijack yr page with my deliberations.

did you consider/demo the Gryphon Colosseums?


Alexsee, the latter is an easy answer for me. No, not because I dont want to try it out but because i cant deal with the hassle and I dont have the time to listen to so much music to need the variety of recordings. A designer of one of the most well known cartridges told me last week that in his mind it is not about what is better or worse but that each of these formats provide one access to more music. Well said I think.

I did audition both Sooloos and Kaleidescape at home. They were one day/night events, separate each, and with different digital cables which the dealers provided (I stress that because I found this to be a very important link, more than I thought it would be).

The answer for me was Kaleidescape because the sound was superior to my (and my wife's more capable) ears, plus it offers a totally different level of service, since it offers video (Sooloos told me they might add that at some point). Kaleidescape seems to be the industry leader.

That was a weird conclusion since the K system does not impress with its built quality. But there was little doubt that I was getting better dynamics, a more solid soundstage and better detail (the latter being a very small difference). I heard a rumor that ex Mark Levinson guys are part of the team now and that this is where some of the digital prowess comes from. But I dont know myself for sure.

I would assume that all these would perform very well with the right DAC and cables. And I hope that as hard disk prices drop and competition increases, the prices of this stuff will drop dramatically, like it did with LCD screens. The current prices are not justifiable in my view and they claim it is because of their software. Apple/Itunes can sell their software for free because they make their money elsewhere. So at this stage these brands charge for the fact that you are using the latest in technology in their area.

I am now going to purchase the new Wadia i170 (costs $400?)which takes digital out of the Ipod and use an ipod touch (ie flash drive which i hear is the best option) to see what the differences are. Depending on ripping software, I am guessing the results are going to be very good.


VERY cool!!

it'll be interesting to read yr comments btw Kaleidascape & Sooloos sources.

any plans to get into analog? i was recently at a friend's place, compared LPs against SACDs, now i'm having 2nd thoughts...


Alexsee, i should note the following particularities of the system:
-the speakers are self powered (the sub, below 300hz)
-i use digital equalization through the Accuphase dg38 and soon 48. There is a lot of debate about equalization and specifics of it. However, using it in my system is such an obvious improvement that there is no debate. some will argue this is related to the room or system itself. I hope that with a better room i will need less or no equal but for now it is fantastic
-i typically try the preamp, then connect various amps and do an equalization for each combination. then i can focus on listening to a certain combination. i would listen for a week, then maybe change to something else

it is hard to answer if i have any favorite combinations. it would require me to write a review of all this, meaning a book! i will say that i got the gryphon mirage recently and it is crystal clear, transparent and not dark as some gryphons used to be. it is quite something. maybe not the greatest depth that any preamp has given me but in terms of the other characteristics, really top notch. I am eagerly awaiting the Solos which are the new amps of same brand and possibly may work well with the same brand speakers.
-i typically keep all the equipment warm by keeping them plugged

i note all this because it does affect how each piece in turn affects the sound. for example, if one amp could contribute a lot more in the bass than others, i would not know it with these speakers since they use their own.

however, themes do definitely emerge.

to answer some of your questions:
-yes, i sometimes do try same brand because they often have proprietary connections (eg accuphase, krell, dartzeel). however, generally i have not been able to identify clear synergies or said differently some of the better equipment continues to be better even when used with other brands.

Ckoffend, i started actually although i keep on cancelling the ads because i listen to them under a different condition or with some set up that the manufacturer might advise and like it again! the reality is that at this level the type of music, power characteristics (i mean the wall, what is going on at the house etc) make quite a difference.

Cjfrbw,the reality is that i enjoy music a lot but i also enjoy the equipment itself, playing around with combinations and trying to understand what makes for a good result. I used to swap things around too frequently but now i will go weeks at a time before i try something else.


I think your philosophy about sampling to get the right sound for you is right on, it is a great luxury to be able to mix and match so many nice pieces. I have had a rather eccentric result based on the "mix and try" process but I can't think of what to give up at this point that won't compromise the result.
You can only rely on your own hearing and preferences, guided by a bit of theory.


hi Michael,

when comparing components, do you normally:

a) hook up stuff belonging to the same brand (e.g. wavac prt1 & he833 v1.3; krell one & two; vitus sl-101 & sm-101; dartzeel nhb-18 & nhb-108; etc.) & compare them system-to-system? or

b) decide on one component - say a particular amp, then throw every single preamp at it (then repeat this process with some other amp)? or

c) just randomly "mix & match"?

any favorite combinations so far??


Wow, it is great that you are able to bring so much stuff in and be able to compare it side by side with other excellent pieces and find the best balance between different components.

Can't wait for you to start off-loading the items you don't intend to keep!


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