
a continuing journey.

the electronics and most of the cables are pretty solid. finishing the rives design (I specified a mostly diy solution) and playing with isolation a little.

moving toward an increased focus on software ...

Components Toggle details

    • Bow Technologies ZZ8
    with remote, 24 bit
    • VPI Industries Aries
    rock solid
    • VPI SDS
    Speed controller
    • VPI Industries JMW-9 Memorial Tonearm
    • cartridge man isolator
    cartridge/tonearm decoupler
    • Benz Micro MC 2
    Wood L-2 (0.4 mV)
    • vpi tonearm cable
    vpi tonearm cable
    • Timbernation TT Platform
    3" Maple platform for Aries
    • VPI tweaks Aries Upgrades
    1. aries 2 leg upgrade 2. black wide belt upgrade 3. dropped weight
    • supratek syrah
    the best tube preamp under $10k... if you can find one!
    • speltz anti-cable
    wow. wow. wow.
    • nordost SPM Speaker bi-wire bi-amp
    doubled up the spades and just runs the "full" side of the Gallos.
    • Gallo Reference SA (Sub-Amp)
    got it... worth the wait
    • Wegrzyn Copper Slam (sub cable)
    Made to my spec. A 4 AWG cable running from the Gallo SA to the voice coil of the Reference III's
    • Gallo Acoustics Nucleus Reference III
    Wow! The reviewers got this one right...
    • Bright Start Audio GR-3 Stands
    Sand filled stands
    • Chang Lightspeed CLS-9600 ISO
    coupled with JPS extension box
    • Rives Audio Level 1 design
    we're working on it...
    • DIY Flexy
    Shelves are glued up slabs made from 1X2's Uprights and hardware are from a Salamander
    • Final Daruma II
    Roller isolators--made a surprising amount of difference
    • Dared VP 300B Monoblocks
    300B chinese tube amp. starting with the Shugang 300B tubes. will try biamping the gallos, but really bought to drive stax earphones
    • aurios mib with upgraded balls
    gotta get the upgraded balls!
    • Stax SRD7-II and Stax Lambda's
    oldies but goodies. driven by SET. big upgrade from my old(er) stax phones
    • McCormack DNA-0.5
    started life as a simple DNA 0.5... add the SMC rebuildS... now it is up to Steve's platinum level

Comments 60

System edited: crude pictures for a crude room will post more polished ones when there's polish to show... am about to close a deal for 1.25" butcher block shelves for my rack...


Nice setup bg, I'll be looking forward to some future pictures.



Thanks all...

I was confident that the Supratek pre would stand up to more critical speakers... had some small question about the Maccormack, so I'll relish away... (I always relish "new toy time".

Will also keep anyone interested posted in the progress of the rives design--they are working on my final design, but I completed the gross layout to their specs... so far so good.



Didactically is slamming your speakers, but here's the GOOD news: most often, he's pointing out that someone's amp isn't "distortion-free".

So, he must like your amp!!!

Pop the bubbly- relish this moment!


Don't mind Diddy. He's insane (for real) and if your speakers don't radiate in a figure 8 pattern you lack something in his mind, like a backwall reflection.

What he does realize is that your speaker have a controlled dispersion pattern too.

Diddy's kinda like that "5 minutes to Wapner" guy in that movie except he is not savant, just an idiot.

nice system.



Anyone who puts down the Gallos has not heard a well broken in pair. They are an amazing speaker. I love mine. Your system rocks. Mahalo and Aloha.



I got the Gallos because my room is too small for the SC-3's: sound was not integrating from the drivers. I am amazed at how good the Gallos are--I think they sound better than the Dunlaveys...

For the Syrrah, I have had it almost 18 months, and at that time, had to wait about 6 months for the unit (would have been less, but Mick ran out of wood and had to go cut down more trees).

The Shelter has been a pleasure. The JMW arms are very easy to set up, but the Shelter seemed to fall right into it's own sweet spot. It's very neutral and very fast (now). To get the speed on the transients that I like, I have gone to great lengths to isolate the table--an MDF sandbox, 25 lbs sand, a granite slab on the sand and then 4 3X4" stainless steel blocks between the granite & the plinth of the table.

THanks for the feedback & happy listening,



Have you ever noticed as soon as you think you have something you
really like, some Killjoy with muddy shoes comes along and soils what
you have?

Seems like a nice system. Enjoy the Gallos.


nice system,how do you like your shelter cart.? how long did you have to wait for your supratek?


The weakest link of any playback system is the speakers. Hint, hint :-)


Showing 51 - 60 of 60 posts