
Hello all,

My involvement in audio has been an evolving journey for many years now, but about six years ago, I decided a return to Tannoy speakers was something I had to do. I sold my Dynaudio Contour 5.4's, and purchased some HPD 315 drivers and crossovers on Ebay UK.

I had enclosures built in Pennsylvania by Frank Wyatt, of 1 7/8" net MDF (an inner 3/4" laminated to an outer 1 1/8" layer), with a Sapele Pommelle veneer. They are 150 liter bass-reflex, and weigh 192 lbs. each; sans drivers and crossovers.

I built outboard crossovers using Mundorf SIO caps, 12 gauge Alpha core inductors, and Dueland resistors, with silver solid core 14 gauge hookup wire.

I like them so much, they are the speakers I will have till I leave this earth.

After several years with a VPI Scout Signature, I wanted to venture into the idler wheel turntable world, so again on Ebay UK, I bought my Garrard 401, and did a DIY restoration on it. Frank Wyatt built a plinth for me, which I later modified extensively with Purpleheart side pieces (keeping the original 3/8" thick Bubinga center section), and milled Purpleheart edging on the top edges, and framing the Garrard chassis.

I then installed the Dynavector 501 arm (so nice to not have the VPI wobble!). Several cartridges are available in my collection, two Actutex (LPM 415, LPM 320), the Soundsmith retipped Dynavector XX2MKII, Zu Denon 103R with ESCCO white sapphire cantilever and Paratrace stylus mods, which is my favorite by far.

I bought a used Modwright SWP 9.0 SE phono stage, put NOS tubes in it, and installed an upgraded power supply provided by Dan Wright. I feel no compulsion to change to a different phono stage.

I wanted to try a tube line stage, so I sold my much-loved Sonic Euphoria passive, bought a Transcendent Sound Grounded Grid kit, in which I used NOS Amperex 12AU7 tubes, Clarity Caps output caps, Goldpoint stepped attenuator and switching, mil-spec silver hookup wire, and Bent Audio remote volume control. This is an amazing sounding line stage, I see no need to change.

Next came the Assemblage Audio SET 300B, which I sent to Chris Johnson for upgrades, caps and resistors, using Kiwame film resistors, Jupiter Paper Beeswax caps, and Nichicon caps. With the EML XLS 300B tubes the Tannoys sound lush, detailed, and very much like live music, especially well recorded Jazz LPs.

Lastly, some would say I devolved, but to have a quality backup in case of tube failure, and to save hours on the 300B output tubes, I decided to give Class D Audio a try. I bought a 125 Wpc CDA 254 kit a try, and really enjoyed it. I installed an additional amp module in it, running in bridged mono mode, it bumps the output up to 500 Wpc, which snaps the Tannoys to attention, and they sound excellent.

My old five channel amp gave out, so I built another CDA 254 class D amp, with an added module, and I was able to convert it to a three channel amp, with 125 wpc for the surrounds, and 500 watts for the center channel. All in all, a very cost effective set of amplifiers that are every bit as good as some of the higher priced amps I've used over the years.

At this point, at my age ( I turned 70 in February), I am happy to stand pat with what I have, I am enjoying the best sound I've ever had the pleasure of listening to at home.

As of 9/2016, I've completed additional sanding/polishing of the enclosures for my Tannoy HPD 315 drivers. This time, I got it right. Up next, a redo of the Garrard 401 plinth.

Refinishing of the plinth for the Garrard 401 has been completed. Removed face and top pieces, made replacement 1" thick Purpleheart face with inlay, all new top pieces, and new arm board from Purpleheart and Australian Mallee Burl.

Added photos of redone plinth.

Regards, and enjoy,

More turntable photos added Mar, 2017 

Added new photos 11/12/2018

Added SET 845 Audio Renaissance 845 integrated amp, just picked up on 4/20. Makes my Tannoys sound the best they ever have.

Added RCA 5693 Red Metal tubes in the SET 845 amp, made for a nice improvement in SQ.



Added Benchmark DAC 1 Pre, my digital front end sounds very much improved with this DAC. I know there are better ones available, but not in my price range. May be the best $500 purchase yet. I also discovered how much I was missing with a Musical Fidelity X-CAN driving my Sennheiser HD 600's, they sound amazing, who knew how much I was missing? (Not me!)



Added what is the best line stage I've ever had, the Modwright SWL 9.0. This piece has completed the quest to attain what is my ultimate goal in my system's sound quality. There is now a new liquidity, and completeness to the sound my system never had before. As this category says, "Done For Now", but maybe should be "Done Forever".



Upgraded surround speaker with very nice Andrew Jones designed Pioneer x-Z9 monitors. Concentric midrange/tweeter with a bass driver, built by KEF. Sound and look beautiful. 
Added new photos of turntable with red Albert King LP

May 8, 2020

Replaced my old Kef Reference 100 center channel speaker with new KEF Q 650c center channel speaker. This is a very good upgrade in multi-channel music listening, and home theater as well.

June 8, 2020

Just added newly built 3C24 amp, built for me by Paul Birkeland  of Bottlehead. It has the refinement like an SET 300B, but the power response similar to the SET 845 amp. Sounds beautiful, too.


September 12, 2020

Installed new Audio Technica AT440Mlb moving magnet cartridge. Always wanted to know what they may sound like, so I bought this one on Ebay. I'm really enjoying the sound of this rather inexpensive cartridge. Makes me want more.

Sepember 23, 2020

I added an Audio Technica AT ART-9 moving coil cartridge.

It's already my favorite cartridge, with only two hours on it.




Gratefully added Townshend Audio Seismic Podiums under my heavy Tannoy speakers. Effect was immediate and transformative. Made a very good speaker system a great one.


Added Class D Audio Gallium Nitride amplifier from Class D Audio. It sounds great.


In the process of adding a Herron Audio VTSP 3A/360 six tube preamplifier to the system, scheduled to arrive Friday the fifth. If it sounds as good as it looks, it will be a game-changer.



Added Benchmark DAC 3 DX  
Nice improvement.


Added Herron VTPH-2 Phono Stage 
It's a keeper!

Hypex UcD 400 Stereo amp, built from kit. Superb sounding amp!


Paul Birkeland changed amp to use 812 output tubes after having some problems with the 3C24 ouput tubes.
 Amp sounds even better now, glad to have it back and even better, thanks to Paul.
The 812 amplifier is now the best sounding amp I have ever heard.
Paul Birkeland should take a bow!

Room Details

Dimensions: 34’ × 16’  X large
Ceiling: 11’

Components Toggle details

    • Arcam AV 9 Pre-amp Processor
    Just added to replace defunct Primare SP 31. Excellent, so far.
    • Benchmark Media Systems DAC 3 DX
    Just installed this DAC 3 DX which I bought off US Audiomart. It's sounds great just out of the box, best my digital front end has sounded yet. I'm very happy with this DAC, and now I understand what all the fuss was about. I'm sold.
    • Oppo UDP 203 with Linear Power Supply
    Bought this after my Arcam DV 139 died. Installed a new Linear Power Supply, back to enjoying my multi-channel hi-res music again.
    • Esoteric DV 60 Universal Player
    Universal player, XLR, HDMI connections, multi-channel capability.
    • Herron Audio VTSP-3A (rev02) 360 Line Stage
    VTSP 3A/360 Line Stage

    Exceptional sounding phono stage. It mates very well with my Herron line stage.
    • Herron Audio VTPH-2 Vacuum Tube Phono Preamplifier
    Tube Phono Stage
    • Garrard 401 with DIY Plinth
    DIY restoration of a vintage Garrard 401 idler-drive turntable, on which I just completed a six week redo of the custom DIY built plinth, due to problems getting the finish right. I sawed the front off, and removed all the top pieces. A 1" thick slab of Purpleheart with an oval Australian Mallee Burl inlay flanked by a different hardwood species I can't recall were added. A new arm board of Purpleheart and the Mallee Burl was made, and the pivot-to-spindle distance was adjusted to provide for easier cartridge to headshell connections.

    Top pieces were fashioned of Purpleheart, and a new labor-intensive finishing process (new to me, anyway), of Waterlox Tung Oil Sealer/Finish, followed by Waterlox Gloss Tung Oil finish. At least a dozen coats were applied between the two, each coat requiring 24 hours between applications. Thanks to Pierre France for his help in guiding me on the tung oil finish.

    I serviced the motor, cleaning, oiling, and replacing the suspension springs. Glad to finally be done, and finally satisfied. Analog withdrawals were starting to set in, but it now looks better, and sounds better as well.
    • Dynavector DV 501
    Bi-Axis Tonearm. DIY rewire with Cardas wire. This arm works well with a diverse group of cartridges, to my surprise.
    • Audio Technica AT ART-9 Cartridge
    Moving coil cartridge, just installed. After only about two hours of run-in, at 47K, it's already the best cartridge I've ever owned.

    I've determined my analog front end is much better than I realized it was. I've never enjoyed my vinyl as much as I am now,
    • Audio Technica AT 440Mlb
    Recent purchase, new AT MM cartridge. I've always been curious about AT cartridges, so I bought this one off Ebay. I really like the sound of it, actually pretty good, considering the low price.

    Makes me even more curious about AT carts. I may have gotten myself in trouble, as curiosity is expensive in this hobby.
    • Acutex LPM M320 III STR
    Lowest Possible Mass, Tri-Induction Magnetic System, 20-45Khz, channel separation 33db@ 1Khz, weight 5.45g.
    • Denon Zu Denon 103R
    Potted moving coil in 6061 aluminum body/w ESCCO sapphire cantilever/Paratrace stylus upgrade. This cartridge has proven to be the best of all my cartridges, and not by a small amount. Beautiful.
    • Dynavector XX2MKII
    Moving coil cartridge. Just re-tipped by Soundsmith with their top-line OCL re-tip. Made a great cartridge even better.
    • Acutex STR 415
    Ultra-lightweight MM cartridge
    • TTW Copper Mat
    Solid copper machined mat, great addition to 'table.
    • TurnTableWeights VPI Heavy Brass Clamp
    TTW Brass clamp I modified so it will work with their copper mat. (Threads would not engage spindle threads).
    • Pete Riggle VTAF
    VTAF on-the-fly modification by Pete Riggle for Dynavector 501/Garrard 401 Teflon and burnt silver finish options
    • Orsonic AV 101b
    • Mint LP Best Tractor
    Etched-in-glass cartridge set-up tool
    • DIY Ultrasonic Record Cleaner
    I've just completed a DIY Ultrasonic Record Cleaning machine, this the creation of BBtx, of DIY Audio. I thought it a very unique design, one that melded convenience, simplicity, and build quality.

    If I were to say I am pleased with it, it would be an understatement. For a couple of hundred bucks, it can't be beat. I've hankered for one of these for years now, and thanks to BBtx my needs have been fulfilled.   
    • VH Audio Flavor 2 DIY Power Cord
    Built this AC cord for use with the Transcendent Grounded Grid preamp. Great sounding AC cord.
    • Paul Birkeland 812 Power Amp
    3C24 tube power amplifier changed output tubes to 812. Paul, the designer/builder, brought over four different amp choices to try out on my custom HPD 315 Tannoy speakers. After having problems with 3C24 tubes, Paul changed the amplifier to run 812 output tubes.

    The amp sounds much better, more powerful, and I like it even better now. My thanks to Paul Birkeland!
    • Audio Assemblage (Sonic Frontiers) SET 300B
    300B SET Factory Upgraded, with EML XLS 300B Tubes. Just serviced by Paul Birkeland. All critical measurements were taken, two bad Blackgate bypass caps were replaced with higher-rated Nichicon caps, and the filament voltage was optimized to better suit the EML XLS 300B tubes.

    This amp now sounds incredible. Paul informed me the transformers in this amp are Magnaquest, to him about as good as you can get. He also informed me this amp sounds as good as any $5000 SET 300B amp available in today's market.
    • Emission Labs 300B XLS
    Robust drop-in replacement for 300B.
    • Class D Audio CDA 254
    Kit built Class D amplifier. Running two, in bridged mode, providing 500 Wpc into 8 ohms.
    • Class D Audio CDA 254
    Two channel amp converted into three channel by virtue of adding an additional CDA 254 amp module, RCA input, and single channel speaker terminals. Price for parts for modification: $194
    • Musical Surroundings Fosgometer
    Azimuth adjustment tool.
    • Custom built crossovers Custom DIY
    I've just completed an update on the crossovers for the custom HPD drivers. I actually used all the parts over again, including much of the solid silver hook-up wire. I made new mounting boards, and ran the wiring under the board, for a much cleaner look. I used heavy copper terminal lugs, which I modified to use a flat male spade connector, rather than wire. Wire runs are much shorter as well.

    I made new outlet cables, using Furutech locking bananas, and Cardas binding posts. I can't tell why, but this update improved the sound of these speakers much more than I expected. I've never heard electric guitar sound as it did on Steve Cropper and Felix Caviliere's "Nudge It Up A Notch", Cropper's guitar sounding just as he had wanted it to sound, with gorgeous tone, unlike anything I've heard before on a recording.

    Next is an internal speaker wiring update.

    I've just completed changing some components in the crossovers back to their original values. 27ohm resistors changed back to 47ohm, .68mh inductors reverted back to the original .82mh. I'm beyond pleased.
    • Tannoy HPD 315 w/Hard Edge Conversion
    Twelve inch Dual Concentric HPD driver in custom enclosure.1 7/8" wall thickness with custom designed and built crossovers. Weight is 200lbs. each. Finished in Pommelle Sapele.

    A complete rewire of the internal wiring was just completed. I made a 1/4" X 1/2" Teflon terminal board, with double-ended male spade connectors at the speaker. Wiring was completed at the input end with new crimped and silver soldered connectors with color-coded heat shrink tubing, and color-coded electricians tape.

    The results are a major improvement in clarity, detail and dynamics. These great speakers have just gotten much better at the things I love about them.

    After further study of fine wood finishing methods, and purchase of additional sanding/polishing medium, I again sanded and polished the enclosures for my Tannoy HPD 315 drivers. Got it right this time, now they are done. Next is the plinth for the Garrard 401.


    Some of you may recall my changing resistor values in my Tannoys back to the original value, to good effect. In that same vein, I just modified the .68mh inductors back to their original value of .82mh. I felt at the time when the crossovers were first built, the high frequency output was out of line, so I reduced it to better suit how my system sounded at the time.

    I had saved the .82mh Alpha Core ribbon inductors, and I changed them out yesterday. The results have shown me how much my system, as a whole, has improved, due to how well it sounds now as opposed to back 8-10 years ago. I feel I'm now getting what I was supposed be hearing all along. It's a great feeling. Now I no longer wonder what Dr. Arthur Loesch was thinking when he gave me this crossover design so many years ago now.

    • Townshend Audio Number Four Size Seismic Podium
    Large Podium to fit under my 200lb. Custom Tannoy speakers. They are 17" W X 20" D X 48" H.

    These isolation podiums have made my speakers sound as never before. Just better wouldn't describe it. I have never before heard anything sound this way in this room, or perhaps any room I have visited.

    These Seismic Isolation Podiums are very special in what they do. They're expensive, but worth it for what they do for speaker systems. 
    • KEF Q 650c
    Newly added Kef Q 650c center channel to upgrade from my old Kef Reference 100 Center Channel speaker. The Q 650c is all I could have wanted or hoped for. Multi-channel music is way better now, as is Home Theater listening.
    • Pioneer S-Z9 Designed by Andrew Jones
    Nicely made small monitor speaker. Dual Concentric midrange/tweeter with an additional bass driver. Gloss Black, and a nice upgrade as my surround sound speakers, replacing the nearly twenty year old KEF Q 15.2 speakers I was using for surrounds. Multi-channel music now has better depth and clarity to it.
    • Crown International XTI 2002
    Running bridged to single channel. This amplifier (rated @1600 watts into 8 ohms) has taken charge of the Tannoy 15" passive sub, and turned it into the most musical sub I've yet heard.
    • Tannoy Sub 15i
    15" Passive Tannoy subwoofer. with the Crown XTi 2002, does a superb job of matching, and augmenting, frequencies below 50 Hz.
    • Tempo Electric Big Twist Silver/ pair for each amp
    12 gauge solid-core silver in teflon tubing, 3 meters
    • Synergistic Research Various cable models
    Interconnects, speaker cables, and power cords different models.
    • DH Labs Silver Matrix
    From phono to phono stage, internal cabling in speakers and crossovers.
    • Vibra Pods various
    Pods and cones under amps and most components.
    • Walker Audio Reference Hi-Def Links
    Eliminates ultra high frequency hash in signal.
    • Audio Metallurgy AG-0
    Silver coated oxygen free 22ga. copper
    • Quasi-DIY Velodyne/Eminence
    An old Velodyne 1250-X sub that had a 12
    • Tannoy Crossover Schematic
    Crossover design donated to me by Dr. Arthur Loesch.
    • Dynaudio Sub 500
    Just purchased, this thing is bad to the bone, in a very good way. Sounds great for Music and Home Theater both.
    • Panamax M5400-PM
    Voltage regulator.
    • Hypex Electronics UcD 400 Stereo Amplifier
    Just built from a kit. Great souunding amplifier.

Comments 603

Thanks Mingles,

I appreciate the comments. The right side crossover was layed out differently, with the large inductors on their narrow sides, facing north and south, with the small center laying flat. After further advice I layed them all flat, and yes they are close together, but that is why they were wrapped in aluminum foil tape. I hear no major difference between the two, other than the right side has more break-in time on it.

Not including the cost of the fabirication of the crossover boxes, the cost of both crossovers is around $1400. I used the Mundorf caps, as they are the best I can afford, Duelands being out of the question on my budget. The internal hook-up wiring is DH Labs Silver, which ain't cheap, and as you know, it all adds up. I am very happy though, these speakers and I are lifers now.

Thanks again, regards,



Congratulations on the upgrades you've done. Your system is looking great. I'm intrigued with your crossover rebuild. It looks like you have Duelund resistors in there. Very nice. What made you settle on Mundorf SIO for caps?

I'm looking at those beautiful Alpha Core inductors and wondering if they aren't a bit too close to each other. Air core inductors tend to have a stray radiation field.

If I may ask, what was the total cost to do both speakers? I'm not questioning whether it was worth it. I'm just curious.

All the best,


System edited: I finished the left crossover, laying out the Alpha Core inductors flat, as recommended by sources. There seems to be two different schools of thought about this (like everthing else in audio), so I don't know yet if there is really a right way or wrong way to do it. All I know is they both, as the newly-built left crossover is breaking in more and more, is that they both sound beautiful. Just shows a great design, and the best parts, really make a difference. Thanks to Roger, Arthur, Dave G., Mike F., and others that have made this jouney into DIY audio such a successful one. My system is now the very best out of 40 years in the hobby. I am proud to own and priviledged to enjoy this system on a daily basis. I enjoy the fact that it is not cookie-cutter in nature, being either hand built, or modified to perform at a higher level at a lower price point. I can't say enough about the thirty five year old Tannoy drivers, which are making incredible sounding music thanks to complimentary cabinets and crossovers. I've wanted to hear these speakers with a tube amp, but the budget just wasn't there for much, but I found a demo Sophia Baby amp at half price. After getting a good power cord on it, it opened up and sang sweetly, and quite adequately loud in spite of its meager 10 watts. It is very enjoyable, and I have already ordered upgrade caps and input RCA's for it, I think it will really shine when that is done. Tannoys really DO like tubes! Thanks for taking the time to look. Regards, Dan


Thanks Mike, I looked at the info you sent me on inductor layout, so I started the left side laying all three inductors flat, the middle one upside down from the other two. I'll see if there's much difference, if there is, I'll change the right one to match.

Thanks for all the help,


Great job Dan!


Hi Pat,

Thanks so much for the kind words. Just like any endeavor we undertake, you get out of it what you put into it. (After you get past your mistakes, that is!) Pat, I notice how good your system is looking these days, hope you're having fun and enjoying great sounds.



Dan great to hear you're enjoying the system

Enjoy my man you deserve it


System edited: After furthur listening with the new crossover in the right channel, I am just floored by what a transformation has taken place in the the quality (and quantity) of what I am now hearing. This is the smoothest, sweetest, best balanced and purely musical speaker I have ever heard. Period. Sensitivity has improved as well, the Mundorf Silver-In-Oil caps, Dueland resistors, and Alpha Core 12 gauge inductors have all contributed to an amazing sound. Happy I am! I found out today that the design for the crossover was drawn for me by a Phd engineer named Arthur, a friend of a fellow Tannoy enthusiast I know, at a barbeque they were attending. It may literally have been drawn on a napkin, and then emailed to me, no charge, by Roger, my acquaintance. All I can say is a great big thank you to these two fine men, willing to share for the love of the hobby. It's this type of generosity that makes this hobby great! Best to all, Dan


System edited: Just completed custom crossover for right speaker. Took some time to suss out the correct wiring scheme for the Tannoy driver, the crossover has four wires outbound, while the speaker has only three, positve, negative, and ground. Sound is more dynamic, yet smoother and more refined. I'll be able to tell more whem the left side is done, and I expect things to improve as the new crossover parts break in. Mundorf Silver-in-Oil capacitors, Alpha Core 12 gauge ribbon inductors, and Dueland resistors were used. Hook-up wire is DH Labs Silver Solid hook-up wire, with Cardas Quad Eutetic solder for all joints. This upgrade now has put me where I want to be, to use those famous last words, I'm Done For Now. Thanks for looking, Dan


System edited: Added new TTW Solid Copper turntable mat. Not only cool to look at, it solidifies bass, makes for greater clarity and impact. Highly recommended. Regards, Dan


Update: Made "sinks" that attach to the Brightstar Audio lid, four for the turntable section, and one for the motor section. I made them from 1" aluminum angle stock, and attached them w/stainless machine screws and locknuts.

Motor noise is now non-existent, helpful additional draining of noise and vibration from plinth into sand.

Vinyl, I can say with assurance finally, sounds more real and alive than high-res digital. Vinyl is now my favorite format for serious music listening. Oh what a feelin'!



I decided I wanted to try adding another 3ohms cartridge loading to the 47ohm reisistor already externally added. I had a couple of 3ohm Mills on hand, so I soldered them in. I wasn't expecting much of a difference, so when the first lp sounded so much smoother, with better bass, and just the sound I was hoping for, it was just a very pleasant surprise that keeps going with each side I play. I've now become a confirmed vinyl lover.



Hello Mingles,

The Tannoys I am most familiar with are 12" Monitor Golds, which I had for 18 years, and now, the 12" High Performance Dual, (HPD), which is from the mid seventies. The Dual Concentric driver came about in the mid 1940's, and the same basic technology is still in use in their Prestige line of loudspeakers made for home use. Variations of it are used in the professional and other monitors in use today.

To familiarize yourself with Tannoy, try the official website, and better yet, Han's Hilberink's Tannoy website for all kinds of information on vintage Tannoy. The history makes for interesting reading. Newer Tannoy lines in the Prestige and DC Series have been favorably reviewed, you may want to read some of those.

I recommend that you try to listen to some Dual Concentric Tannoys first hand somehow, whether it be new ones at a dealer's, vintage at a friend's, or if those options are not available, try a used pair of speakers that can be had fairly reasonably on auction at the usual places. Older drivers are subject to the surrounds disintegrating, so be sure they have been repaired or are in good shape. Also be advised that the cabinets provided by the factory were not built to very high standards, at least on older versions (unlike the drivers), so you will want to build better cabs, or like I've done, commission some made. The Dual Concentric and HPD come in different sizes, in 10" 12" and 15". You will find, though, even in the old cabinets, that magical Tannoy sound, that can only improve with better cabinets, wiring, and improvements to the crossovers.

Stick your toes in the water, you may like it, as many of us Tannerd's (as Han's calls us on his site), have found.

Best of luck,


Dan, what models of Tannoy do you recommend? I keep hearing rave reviews from owners, but I don't know anything about their product line.


Hi Mike,

The Tannoy's in their new cabs keep amazing me with their musicality. I couldn't be happier with them, I have to think if more audiophiles heard speakers like these first, many more folks would be enjoying Tannoys instead of what they have. There is no looking back for me. I have decided on no more crossover mods, I'll wait until I can build new from scratch. Thanks for the input, Mike.

Best regards,


I'll say it again, those cabinets are beautiful!

How are they Tannoys sounding these days?



System edited: I received my Starsound Audio Points today, custom thread length on Points for turntable, and small points to thread in on VPI motor. I couldn't install the points under the motor yet, need a trip to the hardware store for proper size tap, but I did get the Points under the Scout table, and OMG, at first listen, it sounds like an order of magnitude better in clarity, definition and detail, you can fill in the blanks, audio jargon's not my strong suit, but I sure like the difference these Audio Points have made. They finish the job the NanoMount System by Mapleshade started, draining everything now into the BrightStar Audio BigRock. Incredible. Enjoy! Dan


System edited: Updated and renamed system. Also just completed upgrading l/h crossover with Mundorf Silver-in Oil capacitors and Mills resisators. I didn't care for the way the Mills' sounded, so I replaced them with the original Tannoys. Now both channels sound pretty much identical, inspite of the new caps on left side. I am hoping as they burn in, I will notice improvement in the left channel. After burn-in I will evaluate the sound, and install the new caps on the right side at that time. I also wanted to make removing the crossovers easier, so I installed a high quality 20 amp barrier strip, and soldered on copper terminals, which I then cleaned and applied Mapleshade Sil-clear to before connecting, so wiring can disconnected more conveniently. So that's it for now, I'll report more as caps burn in. Thanks, and enjoy! Dan


Well, Mr. Stiltskin, you're welcome any time you can arrange it!



Hey Dan, just hoppin around
Would of loved to have flew out for a tour, your just six hours away by jet.

You have certainly worked hard on your system and by what Micheal discribed that work payed off big time.



Thank you, Michael, for such fine feedback, I'm rather floored by it. It was such a pleasure to have the three of you visit, and you are to be commended for raising such a fine son, what a great young man he is. I thought I had something going where my Canadian friend, Stiltskin, might be coming for a visit, and thought we couls make a tour south, but he's no can do. We will put something together soon, I hope.

Best regards, and enjoy the music!


What a great guy to visit. Dan is a dedicated audiophile who knows how to get the "absolute sound". After hearing his table/arm/cart combo, I now know what's possible from a VPI Scout. Superb set up. The Dynavector XX2 rides the grooves perfectly.
The Tannoys are beautiful to look at, but the music which they produce is heavenly.
Sitting in Dan's room feels like you are in an opera house, bar, concert hall or studio. The music is clear, tonally balanced, dynamic, without a hint of boomyness or harshness. Rarely have I heard such a worldclass set up.
Thanks for inviting me, Gjrad and my son into your home. You are a gracious host and an asset to the audio community.
I hope to see you again on the island or in Oregon.
Enjoy the music.


System edited: Added new photos.


System edited: After extensive listening to the new (old) custom Tannoys, I have been a bit disappointed in their sound. Lacking in bass, and clairity in the mids and highs. Last night, I decided to do some moving about with them. I moved them back about 10", and spread them slightly from how they were. I made sure they were positioned the same distance from the wall behind, and from the side walls, as well as the same distance to each speaker from the listening seat. The result was improvement such as I've never heard in a system by merely repositioning the speakers, in over 40 years in this hobby! The bass is much improved, as would be expected from moving them closer to room boundaries, but what really surprised me was the clarity, transparency, detail and coherence I was hearing. Imaging is much better, closer to the excellent Dynaudio Contour 5.4's they replaced, which were imaging champs. I am very pleased with how the old Tannoy's sound now, and my expectation is that they will only get better as I overhaul the crossovers with new caps and resistors. Thanks for looking, and enjoy, Dan


System edited: I'm happy to report that the left channel is now working perfectly, the old Tannoy workhorses are making sublime sounds, next, crossover updates. Thanks for looking, Dan


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