
this journey is long but really interesting and exciting. as a music lover and an insane box swapper, I dont know when my journey ends but swapping boxes is truly fascinating as in many occasions, the change is substantial in my system. hifi and music are truly fantastic.

Components Toggle details

    • Wadia S7i
    truly work of art from wadia, connect directly to my mono blocks without a pre but results are still wonderful and truly fantastic
    • Leema Acoustics Altair 4
    they are among the best in the market regardless of price or any aspect, incredible beasts. can drive any speaker with no problem with wonderful music playback, loads of details, warm, dynamic, accurate, precise, musical and relax.
    • Synergistic Research Tesla Apex 3.0m
    google for the best result, nothing to comment on the cables, fabulous.
    • Synergistic Research Tesla Apex XLR
    best for price and superb for quality
    • Magico V2
    one of the very best to my ears until now, very happy indeed
    • Nordost Valhalla
    no need to say more
    • Wadia 170i
    pretty cool dock which can work with iphone and ipod, nice results
    • Einstein Audio The Tube Mk2
    one of the best tube preamps which can be kept forever
    • Karan Acoustics KAM1200
    cant say anything about those monsters, just listen to believe
    • NBS Black XLR 1.8m
    great cables :)
    • Karan Acoustics KAM2000
    The best ss amps on the market, cant simply explain in short. I'll make a proper review later.
    • Magico Q5
    simply stunning
    • crystal cable dreamline carbon
    fantastic cables
    • crystal cable dreamline xlr
    • crystal cable dreamline rca
    • Robert Koda K10
    Probably one of the best preamps out there
    • Isol 8 substation integra
    brilliant piece of kit which blocks all the DC offset in my mains while filtering perfectly for the whole system
    • REL Acoustics Studio 3
    the best sub I've ever heard
    • Furutech Power Flux
    The only ac cables in my system at the moment
    • esoteric p03
    great transport
    • esoteric d03
    great dac

Comments 69

Outstanding system....must sound amazing!!! Is this still your current line-up of gear? Still have the Karan amps (they're amazing!)?


Hello David, I am sorry for late replying as too busy here with work and 2 little kids.

I strongly recommend you to get the karans and use them with your q5 speakers if its not too late now.

I have a friend who is using top devialet monoblocks with his q1 with good results but honestly I very much prefer the sound of the karans.

You can see a great great musical playback from them with superb dynamics, control, huge sound stage and very involving.


i'm a magico q-5 owner about to move from devialet to karan 1200 monoblocks. assume you approve?


Jfrech, I found it to be that among the inputs, not that with a ground indication.


Hi, Miquel at Tripoint can maybe answer best. One lug is for chassis ground...the other signal ground. Apparently one works best with the Tripoint...(which one day I'd like to demo in my system)


Jfrech, I just got a Koda K10 with two grounding locations. What is the purpose of the two? I also have a Tripoint Troy Signature and have it connected to the ground near the IEC.

I love the Koda except for the limited number of volume settings. I have 66 different ones on my Exemplar XP-2 line stage. I must say, however, that the Koda is better and unique in my experience.


I did listen to the dcs scarlatti transport + paganini dac, they were amazing on that day. Thats a pity that you did not have a chance to try the top msb 4 boxes at home and compared to your dcs scarlatti. some told me they did compare the top msb with dcs vivaldi and finally they take the msb. Its not me so I have no comment here but its very interesting.

In top systems nowadays, the digital front end we can see most is dcs or msb, so no doubt its down to personal taste besides their superb performance.

Regarding the K10, its great to hear you have 2 ground pins too, but I dont think I will spend mega bucks for trying the tripoint - grounding system. I am more than happy with the K10 alone and hopefully the K15 will be better.


My dealer has a K15 on order, so I'll get to hear it to. He hopes to have it here later this year...

I will say my dCS Scarlatti stack sounds FANTASTIC with the Koda 10. The Koda seems to give the dCS the musicality that some's like a hand in glove match in my opinion.

I have heard the MSB twice, one at a friends house and another at a speaker's very good. I think if you like SACD the dCS is hard to beat. If your into other digital formats it has some competition. And it really boils down to system matching in the end. I have not YET heard the dCS may end the debate real fast...

I have the 2 grounding pins also...and plan to try the Tripoint Troy and the Entreq one day soon....

But for now...the Koda 10 just makes wonderful music...


thank you Sir, I just hope I can bring the K15 home when its released and one day when I have the room, the magico q7 or something similar like the sonus faber will be here too, but magico q7 is my premier choice.

Now I'm looking at 4 boxes MSB Diamond Dac IV plus or DCS Scarlatti/vivaldi to finalise my digital front end. I am quite leaning on MSB and wondering if you've heard them + your opinion?

I did have bad experience with the previous version of MSB Diamond DAC IV (not plus - without a clock) but many keep telling me they are even better than dcs vivaldi.

The Koda will be soon appreciated by audiophiles around the world Sir, similarly like Magico previously with a small number of users, but now there are many. The Koda K10 is quite special, especially my current one when it has 2 grounding pins.


Congrats on the Robert Koda K10...welcome to the Koda K10 club! Just a few of us...but a very special preamp for sure !


Thank you Sirs, and yes the Koda has replaced the Einstein. If you are looking at einstein products then take their pre to match with your monoblocks rather than their integrated one, IMHO it will change your system more.

Regarding the Karan, I used the 1200 and now the 2000, sounds are quite similar as they are from the same company and designer, but I can see the 2000 is more control and resolution compared to the 1200, while their musical and Karan sound are very close. You should listen to the 2000 to appreciate, and If I am not wrong, there are changes in the design of the 2000 compared to the 1200, wirings too.


Hi Sonrock,

Congrats on the K-10. The K-10 is a great match for your Karan KAM-2000 monos. I own the K-10 and the Karan KAM-1200 monos. I would love to listen to the KAM-2000 to hear the new improvements.


This is far from being modest system! Is the Koda replacing the Einstein? If so the Koda must be awesome! I heard the Einstein a few years back in my larger system and loved it! I am working on adding the Einstein integrated amp into my system.


System edited: the Robert Koda K10 latest version is here and sound wonderful, I will upload pics later. this is awesome piece of kit and amazingly its ss preamp, but has all the virtues of tube amps.


the project of metronome kalista integrated cdp and msb diamond dac iv + power base were not successful after a long consideration and chatting with many audophiles around the world. now I want to try the Burmester 069 cdp, has anyone listened to this one?

on the other hand, I have been being convinced to try tt and vinyl the first time as some says even with low budget, tt will beat cdp to death. honestly I am wondering to go to this route as I've never thought I would go for tt soon, and have no knowledge about tt + cart + arm and phono.

what do you think now? I'll have my small room properly treated soon and hopefully the sound will be much better.


I will try the Metronome Kalista integrated cdp and see how it sounds in my system as I was very impressed by the system of dartzeel + this cdp driving magico q5 last year I listened in london. Or probably can try the flagship MSB kit here, just waiting to see which one I like more and the "deal" is right for me.


About as modest as a Bentley.


Sonrock, you are very modest and your system is becoming less and less so! LOL

Looking great, hope it all works out.


I have ordered the KAM2000 monoblocks and Magico Q5's. Pictures will be posted soon with reviews :)


thank you mate, I am moving house in the next couple of months and I am looking for a bigger room, so I am thinking to get new speakers. But I have to admit which one I should opt to beat the V2's. I listened to the Q5's earlier this year, sound great but you have to spend so much for them. Also they dont have the punch like the V2's, musical capability is equal to my ears. Cant compare the sound stage, dynamic and accurate as the Q5's are in a different league.


you don't need new speakers.... see my previous advice..... or just wait for a better room that would quantify the investment.


am thinking to change my speakers, might be Rockport, Tidal, Magico Q3 or YG Kipod 2 Signature. Any advice :)


Hi, I am sorry for late replying you as I have been too busy this month and dont go to gon offen. I did not purchase one of these but I wrote a review about them at hifiwigwam, compared them to the Allnic L3000, BAT VK51SE and my current Einstein The Tube Mk2 which I replaced all the tubes. Please check here for all the details and read the Italic:


I have a MFA Reference and just bought (it is currently being built) a MFA Baby ref. What were your thoughts on the units, did you purchase one of them?


I have received the Karan KA1200 monoblocks this morning and will post pics soon. Also I need to buy 4 main cables for the amps sing @_@, the Leema's are on classified now :(


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