
This is a friend's set-up.

There are three WAVAC amps in here:

1.) WAVAC SH-833 Anniversary Edition= $350,000.00 ONLY

2.) WAVAC SH-833 Mark II=$150,000.00

3.) WAVAC SH-833=$70,000.00

4.) Pass Labs X1000 Monoblock (for the Bass-Hidden from view)=$24,000 /pair

Components Toggle details

    • WAVAC SH-833
    This is a friend's set-up in Chicago, IL.
    • Legacy Audio Helix
    Legacy's Top Speaker
    • Accuphase DP-100
    SACD/CD Transport

Comments 29

Update since my Aug 6, 2014 post:
Although I am agnostic, I could never achieve the extreme certitude of atheism it would take to become a television evangelist in order to be able to buy WAVAC SH-833 amplifiers. But I wanted amplifiers which use this Wagnerian tube. Last year I began to build my own modest 833-A SET. I run it on 1000 plate Volts through a Hammond 1642SE transformer with 4 Ohm outputs to Magnepan 0.7 speakers. I drive them through LL2765 transformers 5.4k primary and 600 Ohm secondary between the 833-A grids and ground with zero grid bias voltage causing 120 ma plate current. The Hammond 1642SE's are good for 300 ma. I drive mine with 245 globe triodes, their plates connected through the 5.4k of the LL2765's. This does not give me as much power as the WAVAC but it is more than loud enough to be too loud in my little house. 
The sound is very much like the descriptions of the sound of the WAVAC but there are three things which better suit my wants: 1.) running the grid at ground potential with one side of the cathode on the 833-A eliminates a power supply and its capacitors from the signal path, 2.) I can drive it with the 245 which I prefer for its SET purity to the KT-88 which drives the WAVAC, 3.) I can build my chassis in the style of something out of a Jules Verne novel with rich green stained urethane varnished oak, gold colored sheet metal, and red velvet cushioned sides with sunken velvet covered buttons and gold upholstery tacks lining the edge. I can't buy anything like it if I could afford to. 
I tried every different kind of circuit I knew of to drive it before I found the one I like best. 
I think of it as a sculpture in addition to sounding far better than anything I ever heard before and I give the credit to WAVAC for proving the 833-A is the Stradivari of vacuum tubes. I know how to build a pair of these amplifiers with just under $2000 in parts so it is far-far more affordable than the WAVAC.  
If I get lucky I might figure out how to find people who would hire me to build one for them, but I would want them to hear for themselves how it sounds and I would want to make certain they would not take off any protective covers which for safety contain the 1000 Volt circuits.   


Great system. Happy listening.


Dragon, do you have the SH50s? Tom is working on a studio version of his patented synergy horn. A proof-of-concept prototype based on the SM60 was reported to produce great sound at a trade show earlier this year.


I think the Accuphase items have weaken the system.

Also doubtful about how Wavac goes along with PassLab whose sound tone is totally different.

But for the budget spent on this, hat off!



I sold my whisper, I find the build quality to be awful. They were just not that intimate enough to feel the recordings well. I preferred my Danley Sound Labs more. They were horn. nice systems


The speakers are Legacy Audio HELIX. Check out this thread, Bill Dudleston has just shown the latest Statement speaker, the "V" from Legacy;

Between Legacy AERIS and "V", I think alot of people will stand up and take notice....


Oh it's pretty. It's expensive. Many,many $$$

Only to discover at this level of Home reproduction.

That the many $$$ spent.

Really just bought him his VERY OWN CD-Sherlock Holmes.

Who deducted that 99% of them ever sold are sonically &

criminally corrupt.

My Dear Dr.Watson


wow all this expensive gear and no turntable? its not needed for such high end system?


nice, but what about the upgrade path?


Nice amps but if they not have an ashtray for cuban cigars, I don't know....they are not perfects.....


It makes me as envious as a eunuch on a nude beach!


I heading to Joliet from Wauconda this afternoon can I stop for a quick demo? I’m about 349K short but would love to hear it. ;+)


I think I just had an organism! ;o)

That is just insane. As soon as I win the lottery.....
What kind of speakers are those?


Hurrah! for the combo Wawac-Helix. I would give an arm and leg for a chance to hear-it. I am the very humble owner of a Nuvista/ Musical Fidelity-Whisper biampd. system that makes me very happy but, Boy!, what a dream you have put together. Egas Fuentes. Caracas.


Just plain impressive!!!!!!!!!!!!


what amps did you compare to the Wavacs? and why Wavac?

i ask, b/c i own a Wavac myself (572, 55wpc SET, and you can have it when i'm dead). i know it has a house sound, and its colored, but its so damn musical in my setup (WP6s w/ transparent cabling)that i cannot consider its removal. i'm just wondering how the wavac stands up to other superamps (lamm, atmasphere, etc).



Tell your friend to put up a sign that says; "no crowd surfing, no moshing, no stagediving."


... and he didn't buy that rug at Target either!


Did I just see a picture from Heaven????

O H M Y G O D!


Well, I gues some folks just cant pony up the loot for that P3 they have been dreaming about ;)... big ;)


What a shame!! A system like that and no vinyl in sight. It oughta be against the law....



Tireguy is pretty accurate.

I hear no weakness in this set-up though!

That is a DC-300 Pre-amp.

In addition, crossover is done externally- in the digital domain- using a DF-35 Frequency Dividing Network.

That amp in front is the standard HE-833. The other HE-833 came with its external power supplies.


Wow. That looks very golden...


Sdatch- The top piece is the transport(DP-100 or Dp-90), the one below with the display is an accuphase DG-38 and the piece below that is a digital preamp(probably a DC-330 or possibly the DC-300). Having owned accuphase seperates in previous system configurations, that is the weak link in the system. By todays standards accuphase is middle of the road at best- its scary how quickly digital changes, but quite enjoyable as it improves.

I have never seen those speakers in real life, I wonder how they sound? I have to wonder about the comb effect with the midrange drivers configured the way they are. In any case its a very interesting combonation of equipment, it must be something to hear it!

Also are you sure those amps listed properly? Because the amps on the floor look like HE-833 standard non-anniversary. What are the other SH-833's sitting on? Are those the power supplies? I was under the impression a single SH-833 consisted of 4 chassis per channel. The only reason I noticed all of this is because I have been considering a 805 myself and looking into there products lately.


oh,what a wonderful world,what a nice system you are lucky to afford this kind of high end system i love it congrats.

happy listening


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