
Speakers are Focal Grande Utopia EM in black finish

Analog music sources, Technics SP10 MK3  with two Kuzma 4 Point 14" arms.  Koetsu Blue Lace on one and Air Tight Opus One in the other.   Studer A820 half track tape machine with three sets of cards, each rebuilt by Studer electronics experts so I can compare upgrade performance.

Digital music source is Aurender W20 Special Edition into Soulution 760 LEEDH.  THe best input for music so far is Purist new USB cable and AES/EBU close second place.

Soulution 725 preamp, Soulution 755 phono stage Soulution 760 LEEDH and Soulution 701 mono block amps for electronics.  See image posted Nov 18, 2022 to see how it looks.

Cable is 100% top tier Purist Audio design.  All latest 35th Anniversary,  all ten AC cords are the new Purist 35th Anniversary AC.

My space is 18 X 31 and acoustically treated with RPG panels, tube traps and fiberglass acoustic treatment over triple reinforced walls and ceiling. The floor is lamination beams over steel plates to concrete pier and beam.  Two sheets of 5/8 epoxy lamination sheets make up the floor with two inches of concrete topped with India multi color slate.

Whisper Wall rail system and fine textured acoustic cloth covers the work, making  everything appear as a normal room of painted sheet rock or decorative cloth covering.

The room acoustics were conceived by RBDG and the entire space was torn out to bare dirt under the foundation and bare studs in the walls.  The combo of all new electrical and acoustical treatment resulting in best sound I’ve ever had.

Room Details

Dimensions: 31’ × 18’  X large
Ceiling: 12’

Components Toggle details

    • My Photography
    Commercial + Advertising Photography, Dallas, TX.
    • Focal Grande Utopia EM
    The best offering from Focal, shown with Stillpoints Ultra 5. Ultra 5 was an amazing upgrade for the speakers !
    • RPG Acoustics QRD 734 (variation)
    On front wall, now obscured by acoustically transparent cloth, is floor to ceiling RPG (similar to QRD® 734) in foam, so it's partially absorptive.
    • Studer Studer A820
    Found a near mint A820 at a production studio in Illinois.  I was so excited about it's condition I had it driven here in the back of an SUV, covered with moving blankets.

    Head block sent to John French and all cards at Soren Wittrup who worked for Studer.  This is the machine I spent more than a decade searching for.
    • Technics SP10 MK3 Rosewood with Stillpoints Ultra 5
    Technics SP10 MK3 Panzerholz + Rosewood shown with Stillpoints Ultra 5
    • Technics SP10 MK3 Panzerholz + Ebony
    Technics SP10 MK3 Panzerholz with African Ebony lumber (no Veneer). This is the original design by John Semrad and myself, copied to death now.
    • TTM Stainless Mat and Oil Damp Weight
    Japan, TTM Stainless mat (6.61 pounds) plus TTM oil filled record weight.
    • TTM record stabilizer TTM three piece set
    Very hard to find, grateful I was able to purchase this last week.  Three piece TTM record stabilizer replaces my previous single piece unit.
    • Air Tight Opus
    Air Tight top of the line phono cartridge
    • Mutech Hayabusa
    Excellent MC cartridge, retail about $4500.00
    • Koetsu Blue Lace Platinum
    Top tier stone body Koetsu, perfect alternate to Air Tight Opus One
    • Soulution 725 preamp
    725, Soulution best preamp, shown in system
    • Soulution 755 phono
    Soulution best phono stage, unbelievable amount of adjustment for cartridge including channel balance to 1 DB
    • Soulution Soulution 760 LEEDH
    Soulution top tier DAC, really pleased with performance of this DAC.  

    I still prefer analog but many recordings that were digital to begin with (and vinyl cut from CD master) are better on Soulution than on turntable.
    • Soulution 701 Mono Block Amplifiers
    Soulution top tier 2KW solid state amps from Switzerland
    • ORB-DF03 USA version DF03
    Excellent LP flattener, simple to use and so far perfect result
    • Aurender W20 Special Edition
    Aurender music server, model W20 SE with 16TB solid state storage on board.
    • Vibraplane 2212-01
    Under my Technics MK3,  powered by Silentaire DR-150
    • Degritter MK2 Ultrasonic LP cleaning machine
    From Estonia, very powerful ultrasonic LP cleaning machine.  The MK2 version is better than the original which was already the best I’ve heard
    • Degritter and ORB LP flattner Degritter and ORB LP flattner
    View of two important pieces to maintain LP collection
    • Milbank Transocket three phase 750 amp
    750 amp meter base. Pass through design, three phase power is a huge benefit in conjunction with our dedicated transformer.
    • Porter Port Cryo outlets 20 Amp
    14 of these in my system, each to a dedicated breaker in copper based electrical box
    • Furutech NCF Booster
    New NCF Booster added to majority of AC cords in system.  Easy to see against light colored wall, arrow points to NCF Booster to my (previous) owned Allnic M-5000 amp.
    • Purist Audio Design Focal EM Supply cable
    New four conductor cord, replaces stock Focal supply cord from EM drive box to back of speaker. Amazing upgrade
    • Purist Audio Design 35th Anniversary XLR (4 total)
    (1) Soulution 755 phono to Soulution 725 preamp
    (1) Soulution 725 preamp to Soulution 701 mono blocks
    (1) Soulution 760 LEEDH DAC to Soulution 725 preamp
    (1) Studer A820 to Soulution 725 preamp
    • Purist Audio Design 35th Anniversary Bi-Wire
    1.5 meter Bi-Wire, Soulution 701 mono blocks to Focal Grande EM
    • Purist Audio Design 35th Anniversary AC Cables
    New STUNNING cable from Purist Audio, silver and seven stage network box.  This cable brought so much dynamics, resolution and transparency to my system it qualifies as a main component.
    • Leica Disto D2
    Super laser measuring tool. Indispensable for setting distance and alignment of your speakers

Comments 4737

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Albert, I have the Amplitrex as well (about 3 years now). It's a great tester, but you have to interpret the figures. It's not just a simple reading like the other testers. I made a chart that may help you. I use the Fixed Bias setting. I use these figures Gm 90 to 100% Better than new, 80% Excellent, 70% Good (Average), 60% OK, and 50% Poor I believe the Gm which is like transconductance  is what most testers give you. The Amplitrex also does Current. Enjoy Albert watch out though because friends will be bringing tubes to you or you will be making house calls. The tube doctor has arrived.


Albert, I now have 100 hours on the Purist USB cable and it if f-- fantastic. So open, detailed, harmonically right and full in the mids. My system is transformed can you believe just this one cable? I will have to call Purist and let him know.  I don't know if you know him, but Andre Jennings of the Absolute Sound will be coming to my home for a listen in late September. The best Jeff


That's exactly what I thought, why can't manufactures put a mute on their dac's if this happens?


Yes Albert, but the sound was deafening easily over 100db. Your volume must have been lower. This has happened once before with another dac.


Albert I switched cd's on jriver with my computer and my DAC lost the signal and a terrible digital noise was heard through my speakers. It blew both of my tweeters. Purist and Bricasti don't have a clue. I hope this does not happen again. 1100.00 for new tweeters.


Albert this USB cable is fantastic much more organic and less bright than the Wireworld. What can I expect with break in and how many hours? Thanks Jeff


Albert, I ordered the 30th anniv. Purist Audio Design USB cable to replace my Wireworld. I hope the cable is more organic in the mids because thats what I am looking for.


Just curious Albert, what made you decide to get rid of the Audio Research Amps? I'm looking forward in going to CES next week. The best Jeff


I have vacuum hold down for my table and have not found a record yet that I can not play.


Albert that camera looks great but I'm not going to give up any of my money for a year. That really is crazy. I may buy the new Sony Alpha 7RII.


Albert the LG 65 inch 4K OLED looks fantastic. I can say it beats my Pioneer Elite Plasma. The price is now 5,000.00 which is not bad. When it hits 3,500.00 its mine.


I've decided that I'm not going to spend 3,000.00 plus to go to the Munich Show, no matter how great it is.


I'm going to CES.


Agree smoother


Albert just loaded JRiver 21 today and I think it is better, what say you?


Albert have you heard both the smooth plate and ribbed Telefunken 12ax7. What are the differences and what did you like? Thanks Jeff


Albert you should post what music you play for the group on Tuesday and give us your critique. This could lead us to buy more music. We need your weekly updates.


Happy New Year to as well. It would have been nice to have seen you at CES this year my 26th year. Jeff


Does anyone know if you can use KT-120 or 150's in the Ref 210 monoblocks that preceded the 250's?


I understand all this, but I still feel the CES is better than any US show. I have been to RMAF two years ago. I liked the show, but it did not compare to CES. I hope some day Axpona in Chicago becomes a major show as I would love to go back like Summer CES shows of years past.


Sorry your not going, I will be at CES. I don't care much about the Show. They did not have that many attendees. I spend most of my time at the Venetian. The only thing I will miss are the two doctors and their wine from NFS room.


Albert is one of the best here on the GON. Sounds real audio can be ignored. Albert is a big boy and sticks don't hurt him. Of course people have there preferences in sound, but this is not called for on his own thread. The best Albert, Jeff


Is Romey the Cat a nice person who can actually appreciate good music? He was a motor mouth in the day.


Albert nice talking to you today. I enjoyed the conversation. Lets stay in touch. I wish we lived closer to share music. The worst is usually the first 24 hours after that your wife will be as good as new. The best Jeff


Albert you are right I was thinking of their preamp which takes only one, sorry. If you still want it and can find another one cheap enough to just try it let me know and it will be yours. The best Jeff


Albert I'm going to send you the Tungsol 6550 this week. Jeff


Didn't Nelson Pass say the most important thing is what you do with the first watt makes sense to me.


Albert, I don't know about you, but I always like taking the cover off new products and taking pictures. If you do I would like to see them.


I'm happy for you. It's a good sign when you like it right out of the box as it will only get better. Now that VTL is on its way out I can talk the talk. Albert you will find that VTL did not have the best bass control or tightness. I didn't realize this until I got rid of my VTL amps. They did not have much depth to speak of and pace was not the fastest. It's tonality was good, however. I also thought that the power did not match the specs. I thought it was really half the power they said. It was a very reliable amp. Enjoy your new toy, by the way what caps are in the Audio Research amps? The best Jeff


PM your address and I will send it to you.


Albert I bet you will find that the Audio Research will sound more musical, instruments will have better tonal density, and the top end will be much more refined, and the bass will be tighter and better controlled. Lets see if my prediction holds water.


Albert I have one Tungsol 6550 original tube. You are welcome to it if you want to experiment just let me know.


I would think Albert would be using tetrode mode. When I had VTL's I like them better in tetrode mode. They have more power and control big woofers better don't you know.


I would think Albert would be using tetrode mode. When I had VTL's I like them better in tetrode mode.


Congrads Albert is this new or used?


Hi Albert thanks for posting the new Aesthetix preamp. I think this will be great. I never thought his preamp was as good as his phono stage. One does not need all those tubes and gain stages for a preamp. I think his new design with just 4 tubes and no capacitors is going to sound great.


Thanks Albert should be interesting.


Here is a picture of the DAC and it appears to Upsample the digital signal. This is totally different from the Lampizator which does not use over or upsampling or a digital filter.


Cleaning the record first on any vacuum machine would remove most of the dirt so that when you put the record in the other machines you won't have to change the fluids too often. Sounds like win win to me.


Albert here is my take on the cleanest albums. I would first clean a record with a Clearaudio or VPI record machine using an agent that removes the mold. I would then place the record in the Audiodesk machine and then use the purest water rinse in the KL audio machine. Lots of work but I think this would be great. I may eventually do this as the only machine I would have to order is the KL Audio. The best Jeff


I was not impressed with the room as well as there was dynamics missing. Way too polite and laid back. See how hard it is to come to conclusions at shows.


Albert missed you at the show. Just curious what you thought of the VAC room with your speakers. Can you place in words differences. I don't know if those speakers or any of the electronics were new or not. The best Jeff


I'll find you. I know who you are and I'm sure you will recognize me once you see me. I will be with Charles1dad as well. We will start at the Venetian on Tuesday and head over to the Flamingo Wed. afternoon. It would be nice to meet up for dinner as both of us have cars. Have a safe flight. Jeff


Albert do you ever meet in the NFS room for lemon shots or wine with Anton and Brian? If so what night do you think you will be there. Thanks Jeff


Albert have you heard the new Stahl Tek Ariaa DAC.


Albert two new Sony's coming out in their 2/3 format. Would you get one of those or go for the RX1. I have the RX100 which is good, but a full frame small camera is appealing, but not the 3,000.00 price tag. At CES do you ever go to NFS room for some good wine and if so what night will you be there?


How did everyone like your new phono stage last night. I know it needs breakin, but you can still tell right away if its great and will only get better. When are you going to do the Staltech and other digital shoot outs. Jeff


Albert, I have Audivarna and seems to work real well.


Albert wow half way there in break in, your in for a treat when you hit 1500 hours. Enjoy my friend. By the way I hope you registered for CES before September as now it is 100.00. I checked on flights from Detroit and so far the prices are a lot higher this year than last. I usually get a hotel and air package. Most of the time I stay at an hotel just off the strip near the Venetian. I always rent a car so no hassles with cabs. The best Jeff


It's sounds like you may be 95% there. Great news.


Albert the Modright beat the 16,000.00 Playback Designs CD player I had which also has a similar sound to the Meitner cd. I have not heard a cd player come close to the Modright except for the MSB and that is a lot more money. I know nothing about Stahl Tek. The Modright tube mod is about 2,000.00.


You are not putting that much money into the Oppo by going to Modright. The sound beats most high end cd players except MSB stack. You can use it with your computer as a DAC using the Oppo's tube output stage as it has USB connector. This setup allows you to play cd's, sacd's, and computer audio for cheap.


Albert your comments are right on as far as driver coherence during break in. I also have an Oppo 105 that I sent to Modright for his tube update. I can't tell you how good it becomes as a two channel cd player. I don't use it as a dvd player.


Albert, no my Altair's are in the state like yours. It's hard because you can pick a certain time you want to listen and its not there. I just leave the room because I know what I'm missing. Speaker break in is hell.


Albert, I have found with enough break in that emotional movement happens every time. If you don't have enough hours it comes and goes as the break in process continues.


Albert do you have the D2 or D3 Leica Laser and what is the difference or your likes.


Albert, I feel the same way as I have about 350 hours on my Altair's. The most painful breakin process is always speakers and then phono cartridge. Its really hard to listen and enjoy in the above break in period. The best Jeff


Albert, I'm going through the same experience breaking in my speakers. I'm like you hoping for it to be more organic and more refined in the tweeter. I think beryllium probably takes longer to break in than a soft dome.


I will be getting the Rockport Altairs which will replace my ESP Harps (similar to Sean's Concert Grands). Albert you can check out my system at Jwm. The best Jeff


Albert, beautiful system. Still waiting for updates but I guess you work like the rest of us. I wish you many years of musical bliss with your new babies. I'm getting new speakers as well end of May and still like the speakers I have. I have been using them for the past fifteen years. Jeff
