
this room and system is the result of 10 years in High End audio. my system has been stable for a couple of years (except for transport and amplifier upgrades within the same brand). the room has been in the planning stage for about 18 months and i actually moved in a little over a month ago.

my audio philosphy is to have the system get out of the way of the event. i like as pure and simple a signal path as possible and, at this point, prefer passive to active gain stages. i love all the formats and enjoy having lot's of music.....vinyl is my favorite but i listen to at least 60% digital. the new room really reveals the benefits of SACD over redbook.

the system and room truely allow the event to be recreated before me. i love the way the speakers disappear and i am transported to another place/time.

i have choosen my cables, sources, amps, speakers to have as little of their own sound as possible.

recently, i upgraded my digtial transport from the modified Philips SACD 1000 to the new emmlabs CDSD.....this was a significant step upward in performance.

i have written an article in Positive Feedback regarding my room building is a link;

Room Details

Dimensions: 29’ × 21’  X large
Ceiling: 11’

Components Toggle details

    • Evolution Acoustics MM7's
    twin towers, main tower, 82
    • darTZeel NHB-468
    Mono block Amplifiers. 

    traded in my 458 amplifiers for the new version, the 468.
    • darTZeel NHB-18NS with 2 internal phono stages.
    battery powered preamp with 2 separate phono stages. uses BNC 'zeel' cables between pre and amps.
    • Evolution Acoustics 7.5 meter 'Zeel'
    7.5 meter pair of BNC cables from preamp to amps.
    • Evolution Acoustics 'System' speaker cables--10 feet
    new version of these cables, a big step over the amazing TRSC model i have used for 10 years. fantastic performance.
    • WADAX SA Reference DAC
    Wadax Reference Dac----state of the art dac with 2 separate power supplies. the best dac i have heard by a good margin. below is a link to a thread about my Wadax experience.
    • WADAX SA Reference Server with Akasa optical interface
    ultimate state of the art music server using Roon. includes the Akasa optical interface.
    • CS Port LFT1 turntable w/arm
    air bearing platter and air bearing linear tracking arm; string drive with zero feedback dc motor, low pressure, low flow air system with zero noise air box.

    world class musical flow, nuance and delicacy, combined with authority and ease. serves the music completely.
    • Esoteric T1 Turntable
    magnetic drive/rim drive idler turntable with torque adjustment.
    • Esoteric G1X Master Clock
    Master Clock Generator for speed improvement for the T1 turntable.
    • Wave Kinetics NVS
    direct drive turntable
    • Durand ---Two Tosca tonearms.
    gimbal bearing design. the finest tonearm i have heard.

    one Tosca on the Esoteric T1 turntable

    one Tosca on the Wave Kinetics NVS turntable
    • Primary Control 12" FCL tone arm
    Field Coil Loaded uni-pivot tone arm. with power supply.

    amazing natural and very high resolution tone arm. link below.
    • Durand Tonearms 12" Telos, wood arm wand
    12" tone arm, uni pivot.
    • Experience Music/Intact Audio phono corrector + silver wound MC Trio SUT combo for three different tonearms.
    bespoke tubed phono preamplifier. silver wound, with custom dual power supplies.
    • LFD -3- Phono Cables DIN to RCA
    3 sets of very high performance phono cables. amazing performance. built by Dr. Richard Bews in the UK.

    one cable uses a DIN to RCA short Dongle + an RCA to RCA interconnect. the Dongle improves the performance of the DIN connection. details at the link below.
    • DaVa Reference cartridge
    field coil cartridge. with tube power supply.
    • two Etsuro Golds, ---a pair of Reference MC Phono Cartridges.
    duraluminim (A7075) body, 24 carat 'Kinpaku' Gold Leaf finish, diamond cantiliver. .3mv output, 4 ohms. these are both special versions of the Etsuro Gold.

    one is mounted on the CS Port linear tracker.

    one is mounted on the Primary Control FCL arm.

    finest cartridge i have heard by a significant margin. WOW!
    • Audio Technica MC-2022 60th Anniversary cartridge
    uses the unified stylus cantilever design. which results in extreme lack of distortion and linearity. maybe the best i've heard at musical truth.

    mounted on the Durand Tosca tonearm on the NVS tt.
    • Koetsu Azule Platinum Stone Body, boron cantilever
    .3 Mv output moving coil cartridge. mounted on the Durand Telos 12" wood arm wand tone arm and NVS turntable.
    • Miyajima Labs --2--Infinity mono cartridge's.
    one Infinity cartridge has 0.7mil stylus for modern narrow groove mono pressings.

    one Infinity cartridge has 1.0 mil stylus for early wide groove mono pressings.
    • DS Audio Ion 001 Vinyl Ionizer
    generates positive and negative ions to remove static charge from vinyl records. i use this with my NVS turntable.
    • CS Port Static Eliminator IME1 (two of them)
    An unprecedented accessory focusing on cartridge friction. It suppresses the effects of static electricity and makes records clearer.

    one is on the CS Port tt, one on the Esoteric T1 tt.
    • Stage III Concepts 1.5 meter XLR set of Gorgon interconnects.
    high performance interconnects. used from the Wadax Reference dac to the darTZeel preamp.
    • Ampex twin ATR-102----one 1/4" and one 1/2" reel to reel master recorder
    hot rodded by ATR Service Inc----Andrew Kosobutsky. significant upgrades over stock. each interfacing with hot rodded Ampex MR-70 preamps.
    • Kosobutsky 1.5 meter set of RCA interconnects + 8 meter set of XLR interconnects.
    1.5 meter set of RCA interconnects are used between the EMIA phono corrector and the darTZeel preamp.

    8 meter set is used between the Ampex MR 70 tape preamps and the darTZeel preamp.
    • Nordost QRT QNET network switch
    Network switch, with Nordost Qsource power supply.
    • Synology 30 Terabyte NAS (a pair = 60 TB) music file storage
    mirroring music storage for my music files.
    • Taiko Tana (5 of them) Herzan TS-150 (2) + TS-140 (3)
    active isolation under 5 separate components: (1) the NVS turntable, (2) the MSB dac, (3) the darTZeel preamp, (4 + 5) both darTZeel mono block amplifiers. custom modifications by Taiko Audio add a linear power supply plus panzerholtz top layer + Daiza platform to provide full frequency resonance attenuation to each platform.
    • Taiko Audio Daiza isolation platform--22 used in the system
    Panzerholtz Platform with spiral cutouts reducing mid and high frequency resonance while retaining life and energy and not changing tonality.

    22 Daiza platforms in the system of various sizes under every piece of the signal path.
    • Adona Zero GTX rack---3 of them--each 4 shelf.
    all three with 27" x 21" turntable top.

    solid rack for best direct floor connection.
    • Evolution Acoustics 'system' power cables
    a new version of the TRPC model i used on my darTZeel 468 mono blocks for the last 10 years. a big step up.
    • Sablon Audio King power cord
    used on the Wadax Reference Server.
    • Absolute Fidelity power interfaces
    power cords specifically designed for either motors (tt and tape decks), amplifiers, and components. 11 in the system.
    • Tripoint Audio Troy Signature
    Grounding box for chassis grounding the darTZeel 458 mono block amplifiers + grounding the passive main towers of the Evolution Acoustics MM7 speaker system.
    • Tripoint Audio Elite
    Tripoint Elite grounding box. this does chassis grounding for my sources. it uses a a pair of Tripoint Thor SE Master Reference ground cables for my dart preamp and the MSB Select II dac. there are also 4 Signature Silver ground cables to the two arm boards of the NVS tt, the power supply of the NVS tt, and the SGM server.
    • Equi=tech 10WQ
    10kva balanced Isoltion transformer and distribution panel.
    • Furutech GTX-D NCF Rhodium duplex outlets
    10 in the system. used with 10 Furutech covers and frames. uses NCF (nano crystal formula) material to reduce noise by emitting negative ions.
    • Wave Kinetics A10 U8 decoupling footers
    8 sets-of-4 in the system for individual tuning of each piece of gear.
    • Auralex T-Fusor diffusers
    i use 20 of these. 6 each on the front side walls, and 4 each front ceiling and rear ceiling.
    • Klaudio Record Cleaning System
    automatic record cleaner
    • Acoustic Revive RL-30 mKIII CD-LP demagnatizer
    for demaging any disc.
    • Furutech DF-2 LP disc flattner
    will remove warps from Lps
    • Audiodharma Cable Cooker, Anniversary Ed.
    will cook any cables
    • Winds ALM-01 Stylus Force Gauge
    easy accurate, repeatable, measurments.
    • i-Tower by Koncept LED floor lamp
    (3) are used. best audio light ever. 2 'warm', 1 'cool'.
    • Quietrock THX 545 drywall
    specialized drywall with a 1/4" metal layer. used in my front sidewalls to establish proper room boundaries.
    • view...... what i look at...
    ...while listening. Rattlesnake Ridge.
    • Barn.... is....
    ....most of the ground floor. 29' x 21' x 11'.

Comments 3385

Thanks Mike. Enjoy the music.


yep, the DAC6 isn't going anywhere. i might recommend that you look for someone that wants to switch to the DCC2/CDSD combo from the DAC6/Philips combo. i was going that direction until my new room allowed for the possibility of properly doing multi-channel hirez.

a month from now there will be enough Philips SACD 1000's for sale that you won't have any trouble finding one. the new transport is shipping 5 or 10 a week and almost everyone of those guys will be selling their Philips. just make sure the Philips you purchase is working properly.


So Mike, now that you sold the transport are you for sure holding on to the DAC6? I've just now learned about the Meitner gear and would be interested in the old transport/DAC6 combo as I won't spend 7k on a transport likely and someone has a transport for sale.


Jayctoy, thanks for the kind words. since God gave me a wife that allows my indulgence.......i figure i shouldn't abuse that privlidge by getting too 'full' of myself. but sometimes i confuse owning with knowing and i get carried away.

you just have to count your blessings.


I wish all audiophile are like you,I read all your
response on this thread, they are all full of
HUMILITY,with what you have, a man can easily
become prideful,but you stay balance and happy.
I salute you.Enjoy.


no....nothing (digital) better.

and no, i'm not replacing it. i was just selling the Philips to replace it with the new Meitner CDSD transport.

i decieded to offer the DAC6 for sale since i thought it might be easier to sell the combo. then i could just get a new DAC6 to replace it. it was a bad idea. i have answered 10 e-mails this morning from the Meitner faithful wondering what i'm doing. the transport sold this morning and i deleted both ads so i wouldn't get anyone else's shorts in a bunch.


I noticed you have your Meitner digital gear up for sale. What do you plan on replacing it with? Found something better? Just curious.


Haha. Ya I know. I'm just poking fun at how "different" your HT room is compared to your 2ch room. Hey it was you that described it as a cave :D But ya I've heard revel home theater setups before they sound great. And dark walls are definitely the way to go with HT too bad I only have one room and I can't paint it a darker colour.

I'm describing as life changing cause I haven't really heard a great setup before I don't think. The store demos I've been to have not been carefully setup (nature of the local dealers here). And oh ya it'll definitely help me figure out a lot as to where my system is at and what a properly setup system should be. It'll be very educational experience for me and I can work towards achieving a good sound.


understand that i am only in my HT room when the lights are the visuals are simply not a priority. it actually sounds pretty good and the 7 foot wide screen is glorius on HDTV or video.

after breaking the bank on the 2-channel room the HT room is a big 'bang for the buck' room. for Home Theatre having the ability to isolate the sound and eliminate light was more important than style.

i appreciate your expectations for my 2-channel room.....but life-changing might be a bit much.....maybe 'pocket-book' changing might be more correct. it will probably move your reference point aways out there. and also may tell you that the performance in your room is closer than you think.


Hi Mike. After bothering you with so many phone calls and emails I can't wait to finally hear your system. It'll be my first experience with many things. I know my life will never be the same again.

Even without thinking of how the system sounds like I just love the pictures of your room. It's so beautiful and has such class (a complete opposite to your HT room :P)


It goes without saying that this is probably a fabulous-sounding system. All I wanted to add is:
I heard the DAC6 / multi-channel pre-amp combo in Montreal with giant Kharmas (names escape me) and the new Tenor 300 monos. Digital on this system was mind-blowing. I've never heard anything close--including my GamuT CD-1 (which I love dearly and prefer to nearly everything else), the top-line dCS separates, the Audio Aero Capitole mkII ...


Oanhu, thankyou for the comments.

i did have an experienced local electrician install (4) dedicated lines. they are each 'home runs' of equal length 10 guage Romex, each 20 amp and on the same leg of my panel, and using Jena Labs deep-immersion cryo'd duplex outlets. i have 2 for my amps and 2 for my sources. this was a performance upgrade......lower noise floor, better dynamics, slightly bigger soundstage......the best dollar for dollar performance increase i have done.

i have 1" fibreglass panels on my sidewalls and ASC tube traps for absorbtion (i turn the tube traps to their reflective sides) and the bookshelves behind my chair and the Duette window coverings behind my speakers act as diffusers. i experimented for 3 years before i got the room balance where i wanted it. with a small room i needed more 'control' of reflections than a bigger room would need.

i believe that 'less is more' when it comes to room treatments; but my 12 foot wide room required treatment to be able to handle the dynamics of my system without overdriving the room.

there are companies that can help with acoustic design that i might recommend that can save you time and frustration. one company that a few of my friends have used and have been very happy with is Rives Audio ( ).

btw, your ARC VT-150SE monoblocks are great amps, they must rock on the Mezzo Utopia's.


I do enjoy your system as much as your knowledge about audio.
Your system is simply one of the best in the world.
Did you build the dedicated circuit lines? Is there any improvement? And how about room treatments did you install absorbers/diffuser? Thanks.


Gary, i am sincerely flatered that you have me confused with Albert (i assume Porter). he is a class act and really knows his stuff.

as good as Norah Jones is......she will never be in Monk's class......good call on 'Monk's Dream'.


dear Albert

Its interesting to hear that you observed similar findings on your system. I was really all set to buy it but honestly it did not sound as good as a 14 (canadian) dollar reissue of monks dream, recorded in 1963. I suspect it was the way it was recorded as it sounded quite closed in to me on the vinyl. I do plan on writing to mr. meitner and hopefully he will consider the invitation though I know he is busy. Enjoy the system and let us know how it progresses with break in.



hi Gary and SC53, if you speak to Ed Meitner he'll tell you how dsd is better than analog.....but he doesn't listen to the Rockport....and he makes his living selling dsd (sacd) possibly i'm more un-biased (in some ways).

my opinion is that the Meitner does come closer to good analog (vinyl) performance than any previous digital....but there is still a big gap and in certain ways (immediacey, speed, dynamics, detail and energy) vinyl is quite a bit better. sacd thru the Meitner has dramatically improved on the best previous digital in areas of soundstage and naturalness.

the Meitner emmlabs DAC6 and modified Philips SACD 1000 use a propriatary optical interface to take the raw data from the SACD 1000 to the DAC6. there are 3 optical cables (2 clock---in and out....and one data). these cables are said to eliminate jitter and are used in the pro audio world. the SACD 1000 outputs pcm (redbook) to the DAC6 and the DAC6 then upconverts it to dsd. dsd (from sacd) is output directly to the DAC6 and converted to analog. the DAC6 controls the data clock in the transport to eliminate jitter. other sacd systems use a firewire interface that has inherent jitter problems.

as far as redbook performance.....the Meitner pair is on par with the 24-bit Linn CD-12 that it replaced (which is the best redbook performance i have heard) and the sacd performance is on a higher level than any other sacd player i have heard by a good margin.

SC53, the Marantz SA-1 is still an excellent performer and for cd still as good as most $3k to $4k cdps.....and on sacd in the ballpark of all but the don't think you are being passed have a great digital performer.

Gary, i agree that the Norah Jones cd is actually fairly close to the Lp......i'm not sure how this recording was mastered.....but if it was digitally mastered that would explain why the Lp is not more better than the cd. i have found that digitally mastered Lps are only a little better than cds......the Lp can't tell you about info that was never there to begin with.


Mike, I noticed when you put your Marantz and CD12 up for sale and wondered what on earth you had found that bettered them. I have the Marantz and think it is fabulous for regular CDs; I don't listen to many SACDs. Forgive my ignorance, but how does the Meitner work? Is the Phillips transport sending SACD to be decoded by the Meitner? What does the Meitner do to redbook CD data? I note that you saved a bundle by selling the Marantz and Linn to go with your current setup. I have always loved that Linn player! I wish I could afford it, even used.


Dear Mike

Thanks for the comments on ed meitner. I think I will try to see if we can interest him in comming out. Unfortunately none of us has a serius, though there a few with some pretty reasonable vinyl setups. Does the meitner approach the vinyl on a regular base? Is this for sacd or for red books too? I have had a few cds which come close (on my much more modest system). I was surprised that the norah jones cd (lathed and with walker vivid) sounded surpisingly close to the 200 gm classic lp I borrowed from a friend. The difference was not enough to my ears (or two of my well hearing friends) to justify the extra bucks or the potential harrassment from my wife for owning two copies.



Glx9, small world, isn't it. i e-mailed you my phone anytime.

my system isn't live music.....although i sometimes prefer it to what i hear live. recordings can be more satisfying than the inconsistencies of live music.

in any case, we'll have some fun.


Mike,i'm in Seattle too ^^. If you be so kind, i'd like to stop by and earwitness live music sometime. thanks


Glx9, thanks. i moved on from the Levinson/Wilson path mostly because i had gone down that road all the way and i was looking for a simpler approach. this is not about good/bad......just a different path. i found that by eliminating complications from the signal path i got closer to the music and more satisfaction. understand please that i enjoyed every minute of my Levinson/Wilson experience, it was always satisfying.....but i have gone on.

yes, i believe that my current system is much better than my previous system, much closer to 'real' music. the $$$'s invested are not much different (other than the Rockport). but some people might prefer my Levinson #32, #33 and the Wilson WP6's to my present system.

my source philosophy has not changed from the beginning; i want neutrality and resolution in my sources so my preamp/amp/speakers can be neutral and natural. if your sources are 'colored' then the rest of your system must become some sort of equalizer......system balance is then a mostly impossible challenge.

Gary, thanks. i sold the Linn and the Marantz about 2 weeks after getting the Meitner.....their new owners are enjoying them.

i have spoken to Ed Meitner on the phone.....he is a great guy.....if you could get him to one of your meetings you would really enjoy him. i must admit to not completely agreeing with Ed regarding sacd verses vinyl......i think vinyl is still way better.....he disagrees. what Ed says regarding PCM (cd or dvd-a) and other sacd approaches is very interesting.



Continues to sound like an amazing system. I live in calgary where meitner is based and we have given thought to trying to get him out to one of our small audio club events, but don't know whether he would be interested. What did you do with the linn and the marantz?



i love your system. Although i've never gone though analog path. This is by far one of the most high-end system i've ever seen. i bet you must get as close as 80%-90% to live music. very nice. One more thing, may I ask why did you give up wilson/levinson path. Is this setup sound better than your old setup?. I also post my system under goldmund29/maxx and i'd love to hear your comment on my system also thanks!!


Eric, the Meitner website is

some additional info on new product is on the Positive Feedback website here;

the DAC6 is $8995 list price currently.

the Grand Ceramique is one of the very best speakers, Congrats....and if you are ever in the Seattle area you are also most welcome.


Mike I checked the manufacter list here the link for meitner
is not active. What is their website. How much is their DAC?
ps. My partner has the KHARMA GRAND CERAMIQUES If your ever in Baltimore let us know.


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