
System edit. I've reduced my system to its primary components and I've removed my analogue components.

I gave my TT, my vinyl, a receiver and monitor speakers to my granddaughter and her husband, and by doing so have given new life to a future audiophile. An additional gift was a pair of Sonic Frontiers 160 wt mono tube amps which he has no present use for but is happily dreaming about. I really feel great about not selling or alternatively having to give my albums to a charity. I'm really!!!!! happy today.

Components Toggle details

    • Silverline Audio Bolero
    Three way
    • PrimaLuna Dialogue Two
    Integrated amp
    • Marantz 11SA3
    • Raysonic 128
    • Wadia Wadia
    • Accuphase T-100
    • Woo W3
    Tube headphone amp
    • Sennheiser 650

Comments 65

Skuras, I'm still using it and find it interesting how it interfaces with different amps, or at lest so it seems. FWIW I've had it connected to one ss and 4 different tube amps. In comparison to my SP10, it is not dry in the mid range and perhaps not quite as extended or revealing, not necessarily a bad thing because getting the best out of an SP10 is not a walk in the park, either matching it with an amp or keeping it in tybes.

For a point of reference I've acquired a Wadia 302 CDP and a pair of small pp tube amps in the past few months and I've been setting up all kinds of combos to see what is the best way to drive the Wadia. Wadia sez direct. The consensus of Wadia owners and the reviewer of this CDP think you should use a pre-amp.

Well after trying 4 combos of tube amps/pre amp (16 different combos) plus CDP direct these are my conclusions (and in this context you can draw you conclusions about my feeling about the PL 3).

1) The Wadia direct into an 80wt pp tube amp with KT88's sounded outstanding - the best sound I have had in my house to date. Dynamic, smooth, extended, detailed, never harsh. In fact it was one of the first times that I have felt that I did not have a volume limitation in my smallish room. I listened loud and without any fatigue factor!

2) My BAT DK5 thru the PL3 to a pair of Cary CAD50M MkII's with 6550C's was a close but clearly a 2nd choice. Dynamic's and resolution suffered just a tad, but if you didn't do an A/B I doubt you'd know. It was still great sound, the DK 5 has never sounded better in the 7 years I've owned it.

The PL3 is well built, dead quiet, and responsive to tube rolling but tube rolling is not required - the EH's it comes with (I assume) are quite good (although I'm using some new production EI's for smoother mids and highs). I'm sure there are better, more neutral, tube amps out there to be had and the PL3 could use a bit more flexibility like a balance control, mute, and tape loop, but for the money involved I'm very! happy with it.

Hope that helps a bit..If you have more questions feel free to ask (or send me an E-Mail).


are you still loving that primaluna pre amp after living with it for 3 months now? i am curious to know how you feel about it. i have been considering the purchase of one, and would like very much to hear about your impressions after 90 days or so of ownership.


Stltrains - noted your post on your new Tylers. I'm glad they have worked out for you. I agree with your assessment regarding imaging, etc. Its quite interesting how revealing these speakers can be without being in your face about it as so many others are.

I also bought mine without an audition and some apprehension (especially during breakin - all posted on the 'Gon) but they worked out fine.

I have the 1 piece Linbrook Signature Systems - they can sound quite nice with a 40 watt tube amp but to get that last half octave of bass you really need something with a bit more balls than my PL5, my SFM 160's have proved that point. I've listened briefly with some SS amps but not with any real satisfaction. I've never tried any of the new amp designs, such as your ref9SE's.

If you ever want to compare notes drop me an e-mail. Enjoy.....


hello newbee sweet system, do you have the one or two piece Tyler's, I'm using nuforce amps with my one piece and find the sound to be ultra revealing, pinpoint imaging, wide and deep stage, and the most musical my ears have heard, i had Paul over with his tubed integrated amp and at 40 watts it pushed the Tyler's well, but i am sold on my ref 9 SEs happy musical days, mike


System edited: Changes in my system made in the last year and a half. The addition of a Wadia 302 and Primaluna Prologue 3/5 have had a really meaningful impact on my second set of electronics which I use to drive my Tylers. Love having the different electronic combos. That way I can fret more about which music sounds best on which front end, and not so much on equipment and tweeks. :-)


Jh2os, Haven't tried the BAT with the Prologue. The BAT is in my main system and the Prologue is set up separately with the Cal Alpha and Delta combo and a tuner. That said, I can't imagine a down side that couldn't be compensated for by some tube changes. I'm quite fond of the BAT. I've had it almost 7 years. Its not the upgraded model (mine still has HDCD). All I've done is have the transport/laser system worked on once at the five year point. BAT is very customer oriented. Quick turn around time. One of the reasons that I have not upgraded to the 24/96 (24/196?) version is the loss of HDCD, and the SE version because of the use of the 6H30 tube restricts the ability to experiment with different tubes.


Nice system. How does that BAT CDP sound directly paired with the Prologue? I enjoy a Prologue Two with a Cairn Fog as the source. It's beautiful, but I've been curious to hear a good tubed CDP and heard a BAT system at the HE show and was blown away!


Classic system, Newbee. Are you open for a listen? I am in Sacramento.


Cool system - Nice mix of contemporary and vintage gear, this system has style... Like you, I was off the upgrade merry go 'round for many years (about 10). But I jumped back in the past two years. I hope to find serenity soon - I miss just listening. Enjoy!


Beautifully done Newbee, an probally exactly right about what you said. It would be nice if they made this a little easier though. Just walk into your local store an say I want lush, I want dynamic or what ever and there you go.


Thanks, Kehut. The Quads are 63 USA monitors. Love the speakers but the compression of dynamic range and loudness issues get to me after a while. One of the huge benefits of getting a good synergistic system together is you can listen loud without any fatigue (except for the nag to "turn it down". :-)


Hey Newbee, Nice. Love to see the tubes. The classic SP10 is a great sounding unit and has the nice Phono too. I know the Jubalee's are very good and known for smooth refined sound. That must speak pretty well for the Tylers here. Nice that you have those Quads( 57,63's??) to drag out when the mood hits. Overall very nice. I envy your ability to have stayed with your stuff for awhile. I plan to do the same! Enjoy!-Ken


System edited: I recently replaced my Paragon Jubalee Jems with the Tylers. Mainly for room asthetics but the Tylers have a better bass response in my room and give up a little bit of resolution. I haven't sold the Paragons though, they sit next to my Quads in the closet. :-) The Tylers present a large soundstage at a lower volume level. All in all a good trade off. I also added the Primaluna P1 for casual listening to save having to turn on all the tubes in my main system. Actually it sounds quite good with the Tylers and doesn't lack for power or good tone. I use it with the Cal Alpha Dac. Nice warm spacious sound.


I really liked the Paragon speakers the one time I heard them. Too bad they didn't make it as a company. Looks like a splendid system, Newbee.


System edited: Recently retired my Perreaux Tuner due to lack of sensitivity in my remote area (even with a directional antenna). Acquired a vintage Accuphase T101 - this is a great tuner and greatly improved on the Perreaux's ability to bring in distant stations. Sonically it's excellent as well, although I think the Perreaux's a bit smoother and more tube like in its presentation.


Showing 51 - 65 of 65 posts