
Sound Lab A3 PX electrostatic speakers, Ayon CD35 player, TRL Dude preamplifier, CAT JL1 Signature Monoblock Amplifiers, Wireworld solid core silver interconnects,speaker wires,power cables, 28 quadratic diffusers, dense lime stone stands under all componets, Sound of Eden brass footers under all components, Tripoint Troy ground unit and PS Audio P20 power conditioner.

Room Details

Dimensions: 26’ × 18’  Large
Ceiling: 8’

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    Comments 183

    Went to electro-stats and new amps. More details soon.


    If the speaker brings you pleasure then that is all that matters. Sometimes I think so called Audiophiles forget to just enjoy the music. There is no perfect reproduction. My goal is to get lost in the music. I know I need more music and less HI-FI. Nice chatting.


    I believe you. The Sanders hybrids are seamless also, although I have panel snob friends who claim to hear discontinuity in them. I don't but who knows. You hear the same mantra from the single driver crowd....


    Wire World. These speakers tell on the condition of the AC supply in the neighborhood. Wire Worlds power cables have amazing ability negate the dirt in the AC. Also the silver cables will only help to restore the lost tones in the music. These speakers inspire me to do the best cabling I can afford. I believe that the hybrid Logans have finally succeeded in blending the two drivers. Now I am experiencing best of both worlds. I played Aaron Copeland's Billy the Kid Suite on the Telarc lable performed by Eric Kunzel and the Cincinnati Orchestra. I have heard this dozens of times. The Summits X's have recreated this cd
    better than any speaker I have owned.


    Doug, that mirrors what an audio buddy in MN (who also sells Martin Logan) told me. They can be a little fiddly to set up but when done correctly reward you with great sound. What cables are on your radar?


    Yes I will be honest if I could not have them 4'6" from the back wall and 6'6" from the side walls I would not be able to make the transition between bass and the panels seamless.But since I am able, it sounds like one panel only. Let me correct that. It does not sound like anything but the music I am playing. I have them on tip toes on top of 276 pounds of Ohio lime stone. This helps ANY speaker be tighter and less boomy.Next step is new cabling.


    Doug, when I was still in MN (the land of Magnepan and Audio Research among other things) I heard quite a few Martin Logan setups, and all were excellent including a home theater demo at Magnolia with their basic onwall speakers. They played a cut from some kung fu movie (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon I think) where glass was shattering every which way, and the clarity and see thoroughness was remarkable. I also heard the Summits (I presume a predecessor to your current speaker) which was very good but had subtle bass integration issues. The setup was less than ideal. It sounds like you have more control over that variable with your current speakers.


    Yes I can tell you they are very realistic and make you want to listen very often. One acid test they have passed over and over is when woman that are not audiophiles listen and get a giant grin. It is definitely worth matching them with quality equipment.


    No I have not had the privilege so far. Have you Knghfi? If so what do you think?
    I don't but a friend I trust recommends King Sound King MKIII ONLY with VAC power supply if ever in market for planars. He has heard and owned them all. He can't decide on one type of speaker so owns 4 or 5 different types.

    I do have experience with Martin Logans and find them sound best with tubes. Still remember my 1st experience with all CJ playing Paul Simon Graceland, the Homeless track. I felt I was on the stage with the performers. Unbelievable!


    Thanks Agear! It is a tough job but someone has to do it.


    No I have not had the privilege so far. Have you Knghfi? If so what do you think?


    Outstanding. Enjoy....


    Booboobaer, Have you checkout KingSound King III w/VAC power supply?


    I live in Columbus and there used to be a store on OSU campus called Progressive Audio. They carried Martin Logan and I was able to listen to them on several occasions. You need to know that I have had Magnetic Planers (Magnepan 20.1 and 3.6 both) And also electrostats (Soudlab A1). The problem with Magnepan was beaming and lack of bass. No matter how transparent they were they could not do a large variety of music as well as I would like. The Sound Labs were vary convincing but "highs" were rolled off the the bass did not have the articulation that I wanted. Once again "micro dynamics" were lacking and "macro dynamics" were also a challenge with Sound Labs. Both speakers were fun but in the long run there was something missing. But to answer your question yes Kirk encouraged me when I told him I was considering the Summit X. I can say without any reservations the Summit X speakers are the best sounding I have ever had in my room. Also with Tube Research Labs amps and preamps powering these speakers, it is something you have to hear to believe.


    Outstanding. Did Kirk turn u onto these? I know he's the Martin Logan devotee


    I will have to do some research on Sanders. I can tell you this Agear, these speakers have a magical emotion to them. And they are easy on this old mans ears.


    Sweet. I am a fan of those speakers and panels in general. The Sanders are also a very good hybrid design that consistently gets best of show votes despite being reasonably priced. It was one of my favorite rooms at Axpona in Atlanta a few years ago....


    Thanks Needfreestuff.


    Yes sir it is true. And boy am I having fun! I will change the pictures soon.


    Really love the look of your room and I am sure your system sounds fantastic. Enjoy


    10-15-14: Booboobaer
    I too have the wimpy Tube Research Labs amps (GT200). I sold the JM Labs Nova Utopia speakers and bought the Martin Logan Summit Xs. With the TRL I can't believe what I am hearing. I wish I could hear the Apogees, I bet it is mind blowing.

    This true?


    Always good to hear from music lovers with the same addiction as myself. (-:


    Thank you kindly for the detailed, infomative response Booboobaer! When I auditioned the Nova Utopia BE, coincidentally it was also with the older Krell electronics! Plus I'm not at all sure the speakers were broken in. Your theory about tweeter break-in sounds perfectly plausible. So yes, I think you are telling me something I didn't know... and I appreciate it!


    Many of my friends that are discriminating audiophiles say they have never heard the Nova Utopia BE sound so beautiful. I am probably not telling you anything you don't already know but system matching is everything. Contrary to what some may say Nova Utopias are very hard to drive properly. Also is took at least 6 months for the tweeter and mid driver to settle. My theory is extremely stiff tweeters take a long, long time to break in. My guess almost no one gets to hear Utopias sound like they eventually will when auditioning at stores. I almost sold the Utopias at first but when I finally got properly matched electronics, they are the best sound I have ever come across.
    Booboobaer (System | Reviews | Answers | This Thread)

    Absolutely on all points. Adding something new to your system requires a lot of patience and experimenting.

    As for break in, my Focal took over a year, about 2000 hours now and still small changes. I kept a written record day by day with comments so I could learn.


    With solid state amplifiers I am afraid you are right. I had Krell 650 monos and when I got the Utopias it was as you say, mids on up were very thin, schrill and not very musical. Still I was not convinced it was the speakers problem. I bought the Tube Research Labs pre-amp called the Dude and realized that I had a headroom problem with the former pre-amp.The former pre-amp being BAT VK 150SE. This sounds crazy because Krells have a reputation for extraordinary bass. As soon as I added the TRL monos there was an incredible transformation. Then came along the nova Utopia BE. This is the most compelling sound I have ever been able to come up with. Many of my friends that are discriminating audiophiles say they have never heard the Nova Utopia BE sound so beautiful. I am probably not telling you anything you don't already know but system matching is everything. Contrary to what some may say Nova Utopias are very hard to drive properly. Also is took at least 6 months for the tweeter and mid driver to settle. My theory is extremely stiff tweeters take a long, long time to break in. My guess almost no one gets to hear Utopias sound like they eventually will when auditioning at stores. I almost sold the Utopias at first but when I finally got properly matched electronics, they are the best sound I have ever come across.


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